:Chapter Fifteen:

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                “Calm down!” Harry snapped, and I could hear him rustling around until I felt his body in front of me and his hands on my shoulders, shaking me.

                I took in a deep breath and said, “I’m not good in situations like this.”

                Harry relaxed a bit and said, “Why?”

                I’m getting majorly stressed out by this point but luckily, my eyes are adjusting to the darkness. Harry shuffled around again until he was back in a position that was next to me, and I felt myself take a few more deep breaths to calm myself down. Finally, I just did the only thing I could think of doing that would calm myself.

                I crawled in between Harry’s legs and rested my head on his chest. At first, he tensed, and I felt him freeze as if he had no idea what to do or how to react. After a second, though, he wrapped his arms around me and held me closer to him, which gave me a calm feeling. I shut my eyes and took another deep breath.

                “I don’t know. I worry.”


                She was in my arms, which was where I’ve wanted her to be since day one. Fawn trusted me to calm her down, to relax her, just from my touch – and it made my feelings towards her even stronger. I wanted to make sure she would be alright, that she felt safe enough in this powerless elevator with me and only me.

                “Sing to me,” Fawn requested, her voice a whisper. “It always relaxes me.”

                So I did. “Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed; but when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell. You don’t know, oh oh, you don’t know you’re beautiful. That’s what makes you beautiful.”

                Not knowing what else to sing, I started to hum along to the next few verses, feeling her relax in my arms almost instantly. A smile was playing at my lips, and I knew in that moment that she’d rather be here with me than on that date with Logan. She may not want to admit it to herself, or to me, but I knew that was the truth.

                Fawn was gorgeous, but that wasn’t what made me so attracted to her. It was her personality that lit up the room – she could be the nicest, friendliest person ever but still know how to act towards disrespectful or nasty girls. It was quite funny, to be honest, to watch her sometimes. Her mood could shift instantly and she wouldn’t even realize it.

                “What are you thinking about, curls?” Fawn asked, her voice like a melody that I couldn’t get enough of.

                “Do you think we’ll get out of our assignments?”

                She groaned, and I smiled a little bit more. No matter what Fawn did, she was adorable, and no matter how she acted, she still made my heart warm. After that thought, I made a face – I sounded like some love struck school girl with a major crush. I won’t deny the feelings that I had towards her, though, and how she made me feel – I was constantly either happy or jealous.

                “I’m hungry,” She mumbled, and then true to her word, her stomach growled.

                I started laughing loudly, guffawing, “You sure are.”

                Embarrassed, she stuttered, “S-Shut up! It’s not my fault that I didn’t eat!”

                “Don’t get so embarrassed,” I warned, thinking that even now she was still adorable. “It happens to everyone, love. Besides, it’s just me.”

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