:Chapter Five:

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                Around one thirty in the afternoon, after I was showered and dressed for nothing in particular, Harry knocked on my door. I opened it and let him inside, prepared to explain myself as to why I randomly called him and told him to act like my boyfriend. Instead of asking, though, Harry looked at me expectantly and nodded back towards the door.

                “Ready to go?” Harry questioned, his brown eyebrows raised.

                I smiled, but said, “You don’t actually have to take me out to lunch, Harry. I was just trying to prove a point to my friend when I called you.”

                Harry nodded, but said, “I still want to go out to lunch… I’m hungry. Let’s go.”

                Laughing, I grabbed my phone and his jacket – but instead of handing it back to him, I slipped it on as if it were my own, leaving the zipper unzipped to show of my light blue tank top. Harry grinned at me and we walked out of my hotel room, down the long stretching hallway and towards the elevators.

                Maybe now was a good time to tell him about the incident earlier. He didn’t ask or bother to press for information, and I wondered if he really actually cared – I mean, did people do that often? Not make him act like a boyfriend, but…. Use him?

                “My best friend is a huge bitch,” I said, even though he asked for no explanation. “And she’s dating my ex-boyfriend now. I kind of just said…we were, you know, dating.”

                Harry glanced at me, an amused smile on his lips. “So now we’re a fake couple, babe?”

                I laughed as we got onto the elevator. “She lives back in New York City, so barely. I’ll tell her we broke up and all of that later, but she was just being so rude…”

                “It’s fine,” He told me, that smile still on his lips and shining in his eyes. “Really, no harm done by telling her we were dating if she’s all the way in the states.”

                I shrugged, mumbling, “I didn’t mean to just use you for your fame or anything.”

                Harry boomed with laughter as the elevator doors slid open on the lobby floor. “Trust me, telling a rude girl we’re dating when she isn’t even in the same country as us doesn’t strike me as using me for my fame. Besides, I know you, Fawn… You wouldn’t do that.”

                A goofy smile reached my lips. “Thanks, Styles.”

                “No problem, Hart.”

                We walked through the streets, Harry telling me he knew exactly where we were going. When we passed a group of girls or teenagers, he would duck his head down, as if his sunglasses weren’t enough to shield his identity. In those moments, I wondered how hard being a celebrity really was. Maybe it wasn’t too bad since this was home: everyone was used to him, right?

                Harry pulled me into a small diner on the corner of a street that I would’ve thought was closed if he hadn’t brought me inside. Not too many people were inside other than the waitresses and workers, but that made me smile – he had his own little hideout. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the hostess, who was a short older woman with greying hair.

                “Harry!” She exclaimed happily, a wrinkled smile slipping on her face. “It’s so nice to see you here! Table for two?”

Chemistry [One Direction: Harry Styles Romance]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang