:Chapter Twenty Two:

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                At lunch I ate in the courtyard. During Chemistry, I sat beside some girl that I didn’t know the name of. At the end of the day, I started walking, going past the parking lot with my head dipped down so Harry wouldn’t notice me and I wouldn’t have to see him. But of course, things don’t always go as planned in life, and I heard him call my name.

                I ignored him, but then heard him run up behind me and grab my arm, pulling me to a stop. “What do you want, Harry?”

                He made me look at him. “I want you to let me explain.”

                I rolled my eyes, “I’m sure it was exactly what it looked like, no explanation needed. Thanks for letting me know that you’re actually just an asshole sooner rather than later, though – you saved me a shitload of time.”

                As I started walking away, he grabbed my arm again.

                “Fawn, wait.” Harry said, and then jumped into this so called ‘explanation’. “I was drunk, she was drunk, and she brought me up to the bedroom. I swear, she just started undressing and–”

                “And what, Harry? And she just took your clothes off, too? And then I suppose she made you shove your tongue down her throat, right?” I asked sarcastically.

                You could tell underneath my bitter tone was just plain hurt, and it was there shining in my eyes, too. But in Harry’s eyes was regret, and I was starting to wonder whether he just became a really good actor if he was genuinely sorry. His grip on my arm slacked, but I didn’t pull away – I actually kind of wanted to hear his answer, just hear his voice.

                He had nothing to say other than, “I’m sorry. It was a stupid mistake that I’m never going to make again. Please, Fawn, I want you and only you – not some random bitch who’s been being mean to you.”

                “That’s why you hooked up with her,” I said dryly, my voice almost cracking.

                There was nothing else to be said, and the air was already thick with tension, so I just pulled out of his grip and started walking. It was a long way until home, but there was nothing I could do about it – I mean, it wasn’t like people were dying to give me rides. Most of them were either jealous of me for being with Harry or were told to back off of me… by Harry.

                So as I was walking, my eyes burned with nonexistent tears and I just blinked the feeling away, my chest constricting. Never would I understand why boys were so cruel and why all they did was hurt girls like me. What did I do to him other than like him? I groaned softly to myself as a car whizzed by, followed by another, blowing air into my face and hair.

                Another car drove by me, but I watched as it slammed on the breaks a few yards in front of me, the tail lights turning a bright shade of red. My brow furrowed in confusion as they let off the breaks and reversed until they were rolling right up beside me, which I will admit, made my kind of nervous. But all negative feelings drifted away when I saw the friendly face in the drivers seat.

                “Hi, Fawn!” Liam said, smiling wide. “How are you today?”

                I smiled, too. “Hi Liam. I’m just walking back to the hotel, it was good seeing you though!”

                He was so friendly.

                “Nonsense, I’ll drive you! Hop in,” The British boy said, oblivious as to why I wasn’t in the car with Harry, as to why I was walking a half hour route.

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