Chapter 8

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So I am not going to go into detail but that whole it hurts the first time was a big ol lie. I mean the first minute or two were pretty uncomfortable but other than that it was amazing. And my feelings are on defiant over drive. Its like im an emotional rollercoaster

"So your glowing. And your skin looks healthier" Carly says to me as I sip my tea and look up at her with my big blue eyes "Oh my god. YOU DID IT" Carly yells

"Shhh. Ok" I say calming her down and starting to smile

"Details" She says looking deep at me

"Are you sure?" I ask weirded out

"Um yes" She says smiling devilish

"Alrighty, what do you want to know?" I ask happy about this girl to girl talk

"How big is it?" Carly says laughing

"I dont know. Normal size I guess" I say confused

"Chads is really big and thic-" Carly starts to say but I stop her

"Ok, ew" I say shutting her up

"Whatever" She says as we giggle on


"So how is everything going with everyone?" Parker says as we all eat lunch on the beach

"Its amazing" Chad says kissing Carly on the forehead

"What about you two?" Jordin says to me and Derek

"Its great. Nothing to special" Derek says

Wait. Nothing to special? What is that suppose to mean...


"Goodnight" Derek says as he turns the lights off in our hotel room

"Derek" I say turning them back on

"Uh, yeah?" He says leaning up against the wall on his bed

"What do you mean nothing special" I ask nervously

"What are you talking about?" He says honestly really confused

"At the beach you said nothing special. Was the shower thing just a fling or?" I ask wanting him to finish it

"Its our secret" He says walking over to my bed "And it did mean something. But for now we need to keep quiet. The less people know the better" He says cuddling me

"I agree" I say as he starts kissing me

"I like you Carter" Derek says falling over on the other side and going to sleep



"How are you and Parker?" I ask Jordin as we repair some cars

"Good" She says rolling under one of the cars

"Good?" I say confused "Thats it?" 

"He is good" She says still not making sense to me

"You guys seem distant. You leave early at all our gathers, and you two barely even look at eachother anymore." I say hoping to get something out of her

"I told him... I said I loved him, and that was 4 days ago. He hasnt responded to me at all." Jordin says running out of the garage starting to cry

But before I could chase her Oliver stopped me with two other boys by his sides

"Carter" Oliver says blowing smoke into my face

"Uhh" I say kind of scared and backing away from them to the cars

"We need to talk. Boys" Oliver says as he signals the boys to come get me. Then they tug on my arms

"Get off!" I yell 

I managed to get one of my arms free and grab something from my equiment table and hit both of them in the head with it. After that I ran into one of the cars and drove off. 15 seconds later they had followed me in two black ranger rovers. 

And honestly they didnt seem they wanted to talk.


Oh crap 

Oliver kind of creeps me out

And Derek and Carter<3

and Carlys little talks about chad o.o

Stay Beautiful readers xoxo

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