Chapter 12 (Tokyo Vacation)

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Tokyo is so beautiful. Its so colorful and bright here. I seriously love it. 

Police cant go past 180 mph. So they dont even try to catch us when we pass them. Its amazing here.

"I love it here" Derek says as we arrive at the best hotel here.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a great trip" I say as the hotel men get our bags and put it in our hotel room 

"I'll go unpack for us. You go explore" Derek says as I go to the nearest gas station just to see what kind of stuff they have and of course the cars

As I walk behind the gas station three lime green cars are parked in unison by each other. They are triplet cars. And they look amazing I might add.

"Kono mesu o mitekudasai" A girl from behind me says

"Oh hello" I say trying to see if they speak english "What is that your saying" I say sounding like a kindergarten teacher

"O Mitekudasai, mean b*tch. You guess" She says sucking on the sucker in her mouth

"Oh. Ok" I say getting an attitude "Well, I am Carter" I say 

"Im Hoshi aka Star in english" She says laughing now

"Oh cool name" I say looking at the cars "These yours?" I ask

"Yeah, mine and my two girls." She says as two other Japanese ladies walk up behind her

"This is Mami aka Pearl," She says pointing to her right "And Akahana aka Rose" She says pointing to her left

"Cool, love the cars" I say once more

"Its a saying to love our gang no matter what. We are called the Kiken'na gang" Star says

"It means Dangerous" Pearl says 

"How many are there of you guys?" I ask

"Seven" Star says

"Oh, who are the others?" I ask

"Huyu which is Winter in english" Stars says counting with her fingers "Hayao which is Fast, Harou who is Wave, and " She stops and holding her hand against her chest "Arashi aka Storm aka my boyfriend" Star says 

"Carter? Right?" Rose says finally speaking

"Yeah, how do you know-" I say but she stops me

"You're Dereks girl" Rose says 

They all look around at eachother in shock

"What?" I ask in confusion

"We'll see you around" Star says as they each get into their cars

Rose flies off first in her car, then Pearl, but Star stays and say "Carter" then leaves with the others

I dont know how I feel about this Kiken'na gang.


"Hey Derek?" I say walking into the hotel room

"Yes, beautiful" He says walking towards holding my waist

"Who are the Kiken'na gang?" I say and then he pulls away from me

"Why?" He says going pale

"I just met Rose, Pearl, and Star" I say "What?" I ask wondering why he is acting like that

"Stay away from them. They are bad BAD people." Derek says "I just thought they were in South America importing drugs" He says putting his hands above his head

"We can take them" I say hugging him from behind

"Please. Just keep away from them" He says kissing me as he lays me on the bed


"The Kikna gang?" Carly says as the gang looks totally in confusion

"The Kiken'na gang" I say showing them pictures of the whole gang

"Ok" Chad says "Me and Carly arent racing tonight," He says pulling her away from our discussion table

I look over at Cam and he seems weirded out by something

"You alright Cam?" I ask patting his arm

"Yeah, this is amazing. I won three races today" He says "But no sign of this Kiken'na gang" He says walking to his room


"He seemed weird" I say to Derek in the hotel room talking about Cam

"Its only been a month" Derek says "Give him time" 

"I just cant believe my parents kept that from us" I say "What else do you think they kept from us?" I ask Derek but he just rolls over on the bed

"Goodnight Carter" He says signaling he wants to sleep and not talk

"Goodnight" I say wondering about my parents


Hey! First Chapter is obviously super boring but will get more interesting in the next chapter 

Im going to have a different POV in next chapter . I bet you cant Guess x3

Stay Beautiful readers xoxo

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