Chapter 27

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"Hey" I say to Carly, Chad, and Cameron as they all sit at a four seat table in a cafe

They all stop what they were talking about and seem awkward about it as I take a seat

"So why are we all here?" I ask them

"Just lunch" Carly says smiling and picking up the menu

"Alright" I say feeling this weird tension between us all

We sit and eat all our food having conversations about races and cars. I mean of course we would talk about this stuff.

"Hey guys" Derek says walking up from behind me

"Well we actually have to go" Cameron says pulling Carly with him

They walk half way to the door and Carly says "Chad you coming?" Then Chad leaves with them as Derek takes a seat next to me

"That was weird" He says as I nod my head

"The whole lunch was weird" I say leaving the tip and walking around outside with Derek

"So there is a race tonight" Derek says smiling "Would you give me the honor of cheering me on" He says laughing

"I would love too" I say kissing him

"Cool thats that" He says "I was wondering" He says stopping us from walking any farther

"What is it?" I ask as we stand on the sidewalk outside the cafe

"Would you also be my girlfriend" He says "I didnt realize that I had to ask until the other night, when you asked about us" 

"Yes" I say kissing him once more with a little more feeling to it

"Well the race is in about 4 hours" He says looking at his watch "And I have a friend coming over and installing some stuff to the car. So I will see you tonight" He says kissing me goodbye


"Hey Carter" Cameron says as I walk in the front door while he sits on the couch

"Cameron" I say as I sit next to him

"Are you and Derek?" He says with a question face

"Yes we are together" I say smiling but he is still off "You dont seem happy?" I ask him

"Its just... I dont like him" He says

"Why?" I ask

"Just trust me..." He starts to say but I get up and become really upset

"No. I like him Cameron" I say as my voice rises

Parker and Jordin walk in

"What is going on" Parker says

"I dont trust Derek" Cameron says giving Parker a look like they are hiding something

"What is going on here?" I say even more upset

"Nothing. But when your own brother is telling you something you should listen" Parker says

"I've known Derek longer than my own brother. I think I'll pass" I say leaving and slamming the door behind me

That was pretty harsh. So I walk back in

"Cameron I am sorry" I say as he just huggs me

"Our first fight. Doesnt that make it official?" He says laughing and I hug him back


"Where are you going?" Parker says as him, Jordin, and Cameron sit at the dinning table

"Cheer on Derek at a race" I say as Parker shuts the door in front of me

"No. Tonight is family night" He says

"But I told Derek I would...." I say but he stops me and shakes his head

"Family first" He says as we walk to the table

"Well, at least let me call him" I say as I walk to my room

"Hurry" Parker says

Why is it he wont let me go. All of a sudden, I cant go to a race. What is he holding me from.

I walk into my room and lock the door. I sneak out the window and just walk to the race.


"Did you walk here?" Derek ask as I catch my breathe and observe all the lights of the cars

"Yea, car wasnt working" I say kissing him

"You could have had me pick you up" He says

"Its fine, now the race starts in a minute" I say

"We are missing a racer, so until they arrive we cant race yet" He says as the last car pulls up

This car was different. I haven't seen this car since my parents passed away. It was the car they were murdered in, which was obviously creepy..

"Everything ok?" Derek says as I just watch the car

"Uh" I say looking back at him "Yeah, go get em" I say kissing him as he starts his car and the others as well

Then they race. I stay in the back and dont see much but I want out of here. The car is giving me bad memories..

Derek wins the race of course

"Good job" I say kissing him as he walk over to the host and chats

I observe the car, no one seems to come out of the car the whole time.

So I start walking over to it but then it zooms away as I walk to it.

"Carter" Derek yells from behind me

I stand there start strucked and just walk back to Derek

"Let get you home" He says as I still am shocked


"See you later" He says kissing me as I walk back to the house and Derek drives away

I sneak in and no one is awake it seems. But as I start walking up the stairs the lights turn on.

"Carter" Parker says

"Yes" I say walking to him

"Goodnight" He says walking back to him room



Stay Beautiful xoxo

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