Chapter 10

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That was weird.

I have no idea why someone would be stalking my dads old car.

"Mam?" Someone says from behind me

It was Derek.

"Derek!" I say punching him in the stomach

"Hey now" He says laughing

"I hate you" I say crossing my arms

"Thats fine by me. As long as I am getting some attention from you" He says grabbing my waist and kissing me softly on the forehead

"What happened down there" I ask backing away from him

"My dad said he was sorry he scared you. So he is keeping his distance from us. He isnt even America right now." Derek says shaking him head downward obviously disgusted with his dad.

But I just drop the subject.

"I missed you alot" I say kissing him on the lips

"You too. And im super sorry" Derek says grabbing my keys from my butt pocket and getting in the car starting it up "Come on, I will take you home"

I walk over towards to the passenger side and see the same man but still no face standing by a building just staring at me. And I look at him for a good minute.

"Carter" Derek says "Everything ok?" He says as I turn to him

"Yeah, just had to fix my shoe" I say making something up on the spot

"Oh ok" He says getting back in the car but when I look back the man is gone


"I'll see you later" Derek says kissing me goodnight

"You too" I say walking into my house

"Carter" Parker says walking towards me with mail "This is for you" He says handing me and handwritten envelope and walking away

I go up to my room to read it. 


 Meet me at 12 am in the alley way when all races are over. I need to talk to you.

So of course I go because I am very curious who it is. And I wonder if its that same man in the alley way. 

I look at the clock

12 am

So of course I sneak out because Jordin and Parker are already going to bed.


"Hello?" I say creeping around the alley way.

Its scary when I dont see racers and slutty girl cheering totally wasted.

"Carter" The man says from behind me

"Yes. And you are?" I ask as he puts his hood down

It a boy with blue eyes and jet black hair. Just like me

"Im Cameron, call me Cam." He says putting his hands in his pocket

"So who are you exactly?" I ask feeling quiet nervous

"Im your twin brother" He says as I totally freak

I have a twin?



Stay Beautiful readers xoxo

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