Chapter 11

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"Yeah, mom cheated on your dad. And your parents made a deal with our biological dad that he got one and they kept one." Cam says

"Thats horrible" I say as we sit on the bench in the alleyway

"Yeah, but I know all about you and your gang. And I want in" Cam says standing up

"Do you even know how to drive?" I ask getting moody

"Is that a joke? Our whole family are born drivers. People say you were born in a car" He says laughing

"Well then. Come meet the gang here tomorrow at 10 am sharp" I say leaving 


"Wow" Parker says laughing 

"Welcome to the family Sam" Jordin says in her pretty but gentle voice

"Thank you all. I know its a lot to take in" Cam says

"You kidding?" Derek says looking around at the whole gang "We are the best drivers here"

"I know. I hear you guys raced down in Florida, no sweat. Won everytime" Cam says to Derek

"Yeah" Derek says smiling at the ground 

"Well, Welcome" Chad says 


It had been a month since Parker and Jordin let Cam live with us. And he is a total help. He lived on his own working three jobs so he is pretty good at cleaning.

"Guys!" Carly yells walking in the house with Chad and Derek behind her

"What is it?" Parker says as they make us sit in the living room

"Derek, tell them" Carly says trying to hold in excitement

"We got races in Tokyo" Derek says everyone seems happy but Parker

"You're kidding right?" Parker says

"Uh" Derek says in confusion

"Tokyo is a death trap. I mean come on" Parker says calming down with Jordin by his side. As she starts to whisper in his ear something changes his mind "But fine. It will be fun" Parker says 

"Well. PACK!" Carly yells running out with Chad 

Everyone else seems to go pack super fast when Derek stops me.

"You would look good naked in the Tokyo lights" Derek whispers in my ear and then leaving

I cant help but feel butterflies in my stomach but officially super excited


YA for Cam 

And will being having a trailer on the Tokyo Vacation!!!

And new gang will be a threat to the original gang and they are called 

 (Kiken'na) Gang

You'll find the meaning when they all meet!



Will be holding on to my other stories due to putting all my willpower in these Tokyo chapters




Stay Beautiful readers xoxo

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