Chapter 28

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"Parker, please listen" I say to him as he gets ready to leave for his job

"Enough, I am not mad" He says as Jordin fixes his tie

"Exuse me? You're not mad" I ask in confusion

"Im not" He says kissing Jordin "I will see you two at dinner" Parker says leaving

I look at Jordin as she just keeps a little smile on her sweet face.

"He is totally mad isnt he?" I ask her

"Yupp" She says walking away



 "So are you ready for this?" I hear Carly say from inside her and Camerons new apartment

Since me and Carly are bestfriends, we have keys to eachothers houses. So I unlock the door and swing it right open.

"AHHHH!" I yell covering my eyes

"Carter, call from now on" She says covering her naked body with a blanket

But the weird thing is I dont see where Cameron is...

"What were you even doing?" I ask in confusion and sit on the couch

"I was practicing, it was a treat for Camerons first day at work" She says sitting next to me "And I dont really know why youre freaking out, youve seen my body so many times" She says smiling and laughing

"Dont you find it weird?" I ask her

"Find what weird?" She says

"Parker just went for his first job, Chad works, and now Cameron is working" I say kind of upset

"We're growing up. Drag racing was something we had fun with, but now its time to grow up" She says

"I dont know if I am really ready to leave racing" I say bowing my head

"Hunny, its time" She says holding my hand and giving me a funny look

"Youre right" I say laughing "Well I am off to go see Derek" I say to her as she hugs me goodbye


After I spent the day with Derek just talking for hours and hours, it was time to go have dinner with Parker, and Jordin.

"Im home" I say as I walk in the door as the house is filled with amazing smells

"Its almost ready" Jordin says from the kitchen

"Im going to tidy up" I say walking to my room and changing into a clean shirt and clean jeans

"Alrighty" Jordin says placing plates of food on the table.. But instead of three plates she places four

"Are we having a guest?" I ask her

"I guess so, Parker told me to make enough for four people" She says as we sit at the table

"Home" Parker says as him and Derek walk in

I dont like where this is going.

"Derek?" I say as he sits next to me and Parker sits next to Jordin

"I have no idea" Derek whispers to me

"What is going on?" I ask Parker

"I wanted to talk to you two" Parker says "After dinner tonight, you two will never see eachother again" Parker says

"Haha exuse me?" I say laughing

"Im serious, I am sorry but I dont think Derek is a good influence on you" Parker says

"Oh hell no" I start to say but Derek stops me

"No, he is totally right" Derek says

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say to Derek "After you just broke my fucking heart, you do it right over again. And you" I say to Derek then point to Parker "How dare you" I say storming out of the house and driving away


I had drove to the liquor store, and stood far back away from the racing from tonight. It was mainly first timers.

"Hello mam?" Someone says from outside my window

"What?" I say annoyed and a little tipsy but not drunk

"Our car broke down. And we were wondering can we have a jump start?" The lady says

As I get out some of my tools I help them start their car while using my car.

"Thank you" The lady says as their battery is back

But as I put up my tools I notice their car, it was the same one my parents were murdered in. And the same one that was racing against Derek the other night.

"Hey" I say stopping the lady

"Yes?" She says

"Are you guys racers?" I ask her

"Haha" She laughs

"Hunny, lets go" The man says but his voice was so familar

"Do I know you two?" I ask as the lady goes from laughing to shock

"Carter" Parker says pulling up next to me and the couple

"Hey I asked you two a question" I say to the couple and starting to get annoyed

"Carter, lets go" Parker says pulling me but stopping when he notices the couple

"What?" I ask him noticing his shock

"Mom, Dad?" Parker says letting go of me

"Hi babies" The lady says actually showing her face now from her hoodie

"Mom" I say as tears fall down to my face



BYE ;)

Stay Beautiful xoxo



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