Chapter 23

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"Where the hell did you even get these pictures?" I ask as we drive to wherever

"I went back to Tokyo" He says quietly

"You're kidding me right?" I ask getting upset

"I am sorry. I just wanted to go back to the crime scene, and it wasn't Carly and Camerons car that exploded" He says

"Oh my god" I say think of the one car that kept going on the freeway

"Yeah, I know its alot to take in" Derek says 

"Its more than alot" I say as we park into this creepy barn house

"Hey ya'll, make your alls self at home" A really country girl says and checking me out "Whos this honey bunch?" She asks Derek

"This is my friend Carter" He says


"You're a cutie" She says walking to a little cabbin behind the barn

"Derek" A man says with car grease all over his shirt

"Cole" Derek says hugging him "Carter, meet my brother Cole" Derek says as the man hugs me

"My wife is right about you Derek." Cole says to Derek as Derek looks confused

"And whats that?" Derek asks

"You have a good taste in girlfriends" Cole says 

I say no hesitation "We arent, uh dating" I say looking at the ground feeling my face bright up red

"Thats a shame" Cole says to Derek as they walk back into the barn 

"Come now, we dont want to interrupt the men" The lady says as we walk to the house "Im Kelly" She says

"Carter" I say in responce

"So what is the story between you and Derek" Kelly says as I sit down at the table in the kitchen

"Well, I think I fell to soon, then we starting hooking up, and we stopped after..." I say but she cuts me off

"Its ok you dont have to say. I know" Kelly says holding my hand for a moment

"Thank you" I say really starting to enjoy Kelly

"Well is Derek single still?" Kelly ask

"Nope" I say realising how much I actually wanting him

"Hunny, you better get riding on that" She says winking at me and leaving to the barn

I cant. He isnt single, thats not right. I mean it.. No its not right.


"You can take the bed" Derek says 

The room had a bed and a couch in it

"Thank you" I say as he fixes the couch with pillows and blankets "Derek?" I say wanting to get some answers

"Yes?" He says

"Were you ever, uh. Were you ever going to ask me?" I ask breaking this awkwardness

He doesnt say anything and just goes to sleep "Goodnight Carter" 

When he says that I cant help but think of Tokyo.

Why are you doing this to me Derek?


"Get up" Derek says as he walks around the room in only his underwear

You have got to be kidding me.

"Goodmorning" I say staring and admiring his perfect body

"You cant make it any more obvious can you?" He says putting on some shorts and a teeshirt

"Uh, I am sorry" I say looking down as he leaves the room

I just really want you Derek.


Stay Beautiful readers xoxo

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