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The Royal Dragon

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"Hey, over here."

Ana followed Danny's lead and observed the lone Chinese restaurant that was open at this time of night, the Royal Dragon. It was a few blocks away from the Midland Circle. The five stormed through the door, startling the owner who was just about to lock the doors and call it a day.

He whipped around to face the intruders. "We're closed."

"We need to kill the lights." Matt pointed out, ignoring the owner.

Jessica scoffed at him, "How do you even know they're on?"

"Can we please hurry." Ana rushed out, "I think they're onto us." She glanced over her shoulder and pulled apart the blinds at the front of the door, her eyes sweeping up and down the road for anything that looked like it wanted to kill her and her new friends.

"Hey, I said we're closed!" The owner stressed, before Danny approached him. "We need to stay off the streets." He told him, trying to buy themselves some time.

"Well, stay off them somewhere else. I'll call the police." The owner countered.

Ana scoffed while Luke spoke up, "You can't do that. You'd be putting the cops in danger." He said.

"I'll put you in danger." The owner sassed back, jabbing his finger at the Power Man. Jessica lifted a long side table and shoved it in front of the door, not even waiting for Ana to move out of the way. The brunette stumbled back, and glanced at Jess, "A little warning would've been nice."

"I'll tell you what's also nice? Not being hunted by freakin' ninjas." Jessica replied.

Ana blinked, taken aback, as Jessica walked past her. "It's not my fault." She mumbled.

Matt, who still had a scarf around his head, tried to bargain with the owner. "Sir, this is for your protection. We need this place to look closed." He began walking around and turning off the lights.

Danny consoled the nervous owner in Mandarin, while Ana trailed around the restaurant mindlessly. She was here for Danny and Matt, that much was clear. She remembered the way Danny spoke to her about the Hand, and now she knew just how ruthless and dangerous they really were. She wanted to help a few friends out. After all, fighting martial artists was a favourite thing to do to pass the time. And forget the bad things.

"Alright, back door is clear. Everything is locked. I think we're safe... for now." Matt stopped beside Ana, causing her to stop walking. She still couldn't believe how cool it was joining up with the Daredevil. She was a huge fan of his work.

"So, we're just gonna wait it out here?" Luke questioned.

Ana shrugged, looking around. "I've seen worse."

"You got a better plan?" Matt countered at Luke.

"Is there a plan where I get my scarf back?" Jessica questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I just need it till this is over." Matt replied, trying his best to take all the attention away from him.

"Okay, he says we can stay." Danny had finished with the owner and proudly walked up to the four, grinning at his accomplishment.

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