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Get Tough

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The Sanctum Sanctorum stood tall and wide on Bleecker Street, New York. The sun hadn't yet risen and the sky was just a fraction towards becoming lighter. The streets were quiet and empty in this part of Greenwich Village, and no one saw the lone woman drag a body behind her. The Outrider that Ana had bested was wrapped up in a dark cloth she had taken from a construction site. She held the corners of the sheet and pulled it along, hearing the way it scraped against the concrete sidewalk. The transmitter in her jean pocket had beeped a few minutes beforehand, and she had checked it nervously, only to find that it went back to normal, no longer signalling incoming enemies.

Ana was on edge. Her paranoia was greater than usual. The only thing that was going through her mind was to get rid of the Outrider, and to let Stephen and Wong in on what was happening to her. She thought that they, mostly Wong, would have information on how to defeat a wide range of aliens without causing repercussions — like a war between her and said species. She didn't need an army of Skrulls or Outriders to flood Earth's gates. Once was more than enough when the Chitauri invaded.

"Welcome to your new home, alien." Ana mumbled, stopping at the double doors to the Sanctum. She didn't bother knocking and just teleported right through. The floorboards creaked under the weight of the Outrider as she dragged it inside. Ana wasn't a fan of the Sanctum when the sun wasn't out. It was creepy and dark, and no matter if you were alone, you always felt like you were being watched.

And in Ana's case, she was, but by Wong and Stephen who had just used a portal to greet the Sanctum's new guest. Ana easily heard them, and watched intently as they emerged from the shadows of the library.

"Mornin', fellas." Ana smiled tightly, giving them a small wave of her hand. She took a deep breath as they advanced on her, trying hard to calm the nerves.

Wong and Stephen didn't have their focus on the woman, instead they were staring at the large object underneath the sheet that was completely still. The men exchanged a look, before facing Ana.

"What did you do?" Wong sighed, crossing his arms over his robe.

Ana tried not to take any offence from his tone of voice and rolled her eyes, "Nice to see you too, Wong. Anyway, this is why I came here..." She snapped her hand forward, and tugged at the sheet. The dead Outrider was forced forward, rolled out of the cloth and into their view, stopping at their feet. Stephen was startled by the enormous alien, and stumbled away from it with a little shout, while Wong stayed completely still, hands behind his lower back.

Ana roughly folded the free cloth and dropped it by the door, along with her jacket. The muscle tee she wore was stained with her blood, as well as the Outrider's. The scratches that went from her shoulders to her elbows were slowing healing, and weren't much of a bother anymore. She stepped forward as Stephen composed himself, "What the hell is that thing?" He questioned, jabbing his finger towards it.

Wong was scrutinising the Outrider quietly, trying to make some sort of connection between the being and Ana, coming up short in the end. "Ana... where have you been?" He asked.

"To answer both questions, I'll need your full attention and confidentiality." Ana slapped her hands together and pursed her lips, "I was up there. The galaxies. And while I was saving the universe, I found out about my real father."

Stephen was hanging on every word, and basically leaned forward in anticipation. "And?"

"He was a cosmic warrior. A god, who went by the Sentinel." Ana revealed.

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