Chapter 9. Home

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Age: 8

Your POV

I stepped inside the Hokage's office and I felt the tears welling up. I looked up at him and I noticed that he had a glint of sadness in his eyes, probably knowing what happened by seeing the way I was acting.

I opened my mouth but my voice wasn't coming out. I whimpered and looked to the ground, tears rolling down my cheek.

Minato then stood infront of me and gave me a sympathetic look. He pulled me into a tight hug "(Y/N), I am sorry" I flinched, feeling anger building inside of me "it wasn't your fault! It was ... my fault... of I had been faster, I-I could've saved them" the last few words came out as a whisper and I started to cry into his chest, letting it all out.

I couldn't keep myself strong any longer, and he whispered soothing words in my ear. But I felt, warm water dropping on my shoulder ... he was crying. I eventually had passed out, exhaustion and pain had taken over and Minato carried me to the hospital.

I woke up, staring at the ceiling of the hospital. I heard the sound of my heartbeat, I looked next to me, seeing the monitor and the red line that moved at the beats of my heart go up and down.

I sighed and turned my head back to stare at the ceiling. My body felt sore, and my eyes were puffy and red of crying. I sat up and pulled the infuses out of my body.

I then stood up from the bed and grabbed the clothes that were on the nightstand, an oversized dark blue male Uchiha shirt, and some tight black shorts. I put the clothes on and walked out, not caring about the pain that I felt from my wounds.

I went to the hospital administration. "Hatake Kakashi" I said, in a monotone voice. The women gave me a sympathetic look and nodded, "room 42". I thanked her and made my way to his room. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me, and started walking towards the bed.

I gently shoved him a bit and laid down next to him, holding his hand. I settled my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, I had to hear his heartbeat, to make sure that he's alive. I slowly fell asleep as I continued listening to the calm beating.

I opened my eyes, welcomed by a red headed women and a blonde haired man. They gave me a smile and I returned one. I looked back at Kakashi, he had woken up. He looked at the ceiling and held my hand, tightly. My smile had faded away and I now wore a sad expression.

"Kakashi, are you alright?" I had asked him, he looked over at me and nodded. I wanted to ask him about Obito, but I figured that he probably wanted rest right now. I stood up only to be pulled back down by Kakashi, "please, stay here for a bit." I didn't look at him, knowing that I wouldn't be able to hold my tears. I nodded and laid back down.

Minato and Kushina looked at the two of us concerned and then looked back at each other, Minato nodded to Kushina and she took a deep breath. Kushina turned our way and we looked at them curiously. "I am, pregnant" Our jaws dropped and Kakashi blushed deeply at the fact that our mom-sensei and dad-sensei had done it. I stood up and gave Kushina a hug, congratulating her.

I then flashed a glare at Minato saying to not touch her again and to say that he better be a good husband and help his wife while she is going through the hard time of pregnancy. He shrimped and gave me a scared smile while Kushina sweatdropped.

The doctor then ruined our little moment and said "Hatake-kun, you can leave if you have enough power and if you feel good" he gave us a smile and walked out. Kakashi stood up but limped while walking, Minato coming to his aid to help him walk.

I went the other way of them and they waved at me until I was out of their sight. I had arrived at my fathers house, and knocked on the door.

Mikoto opened and saw my pained expression while I tried to hide it but miserably failed. She greeted me and gave me a sympathetic look, 'the 11th sympathetic look that I had gotten today' I stepped inside and she told me where my little brother was.

I went into the room and looked over to see my little brother, peacefully sleeping. I gave him a soft kiss on his head and walked over to the kitchen. I made Mikoto some tea and brought it to her, I then prepared dinner for 3, father, Mikoto and Itachi. I was not having any, especially not with them.

'Ill just eat at Ichiraku's' after preparing dinner for them, I started doing the laundry and cleaned the house. The reason I was doing this was, that Mikoto was pregnant. I would've felt bad for her if she had to do all the work in house while being pregnant.

I then left but on my way to Ichiraku's I passed my father. He greeted me and I nodded at him, he then did something that I would've never thought that he would do, he pulled me into a tight hug. I wide-eyed stood there, and hesitated to put my arms around him, but did. He hugged me tighter and I wrapped my arms all the way around him. I buried my head into his chest and started crying, crying like there is no tomorrow. He comforted me, and I calmed down. Sobbing into his chest, he said that I could stay over if I wanted to. I looked at him and thanked him but refused.

We said our goodbyes but before we left he gave me a smile and said "your always welcome at our home." The walk towards Ichiraku ramen was me being in a daze thinking about those words 'our home?'





Hidan: bitch whats with this sad chapter

Me: idk I just felt like it

Deidara: wauw, un, just what needed, a sadist, un.

Me: *smirks*

Sasori: *sighs* does it ever stop?

Uchiha (Y/N) (Naruto/Akatsuki Various X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora