Chapter 18. Hiding

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Age: 17

Your POV

Ever since the massacre, the Hokage secretly communicated with both
Me and Itachi. Itachi officially joined the Akatsuki, and I went into hiding with Kyoukai.

The masked man kept visiting me, for some reason. Always speaking in a deep voice and never even once, showing a happy expression towards me. I had no idea what he wanted from me but ok, its not like it bothers me..

Yeah right.. it does bother me, how he always watches me, how he suddenly appears out of nowhere. How he watches me sleep, how he whispers things like "Im sorry"

It creeped the fuck outta me. I mean, who even is that guy? I never saw his face, but he acts like we knew each other for years.

I let out a loud sigh as I fell two eyes watching me walk through the forest. "Ita, can you carry these for me? Im getting kind of tired."

He nodded his head and took my two bags, "Onee-san, you should sleep for a bit. Kyou-Nii, can you carry her." Kyoukai nodded his head and carried me bridal way.

"H-hey you really don't have to do this." Kyoukai looked at me in annoyance, "shut up. You haven't slept ever since the massacre. That was 6 days ago, Idiot." He hissed at me.

I looked down, "Im sorry.. Im just worried about Sasuke and Naruto." I whispered the last part, but the both heard.

Itachi flinched when I mentioned Sasuke, and Kyoukai had a saddened expression when I mentioned Naruto.

We continued our walk in silence, a gloomy aura surrounding us.

"Guys..." they looked over at me, "what is it?"

"I uhm.. got to pee.." they sweatdropped and Kyoukai put me down. "Do it fast" I nodded my head and went into a bush.

After doing my business, I started walking back to Kyoukai and Itachi. But before I arrived, two little boys ran my way.

They were crying and yelling, when they spotted me they ran as fast as they could and hid behind me. "N-nee-san... t-there is a-a man w-with a mask o-over there.."

I petted the boys head, "don't worry, Nee-san will pro-" Naruto and Sasuke's faces crossed my mind, and a tear fell from my eyes. I coughed, "Nee-san w-will protect you." I said, trying to regain my composure.

The two boys suddenly screamed while looking behind me. I put on my scariest face and turned around. I saw the oh so familiar man with the mask.

He flinched when he saw my face but when I calmed down, he put his hand to his heart.

I sweatdropped, "Madara, what are you doing? Don't just go off and scare some innocent kids." He mumbled an apologize and I looked at the two boys, while putting up a smile.

"What are your names?" I asked them, "Naruse!" The boy with light brown hair yelled, I chuckled 'he's just like Naruto..' "Suzaku.." I felt tears coming out of my eyes, they both looked at me in shock. I smiled brightly at them, through my tears. "Im sorry.. you two just remind me of my little brothers."

They gave me a confused look and looked like they wanted to ask me about it. But I startled them by grabbing their hands. "So, where's your family? Why are you two out here alone? Its dangerous outside." I said, while looking at Madara.

They trembled when they followed my line of sight, but then looked back to me. Naruse said, "w-we got lost! We wanted to go train, but then we saw him!" He pointed at Madara. "Yeah, and then we ran off. But we ran too far so we didn't know how to get back." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Okay, then what ya say about me bringing you back home?" They smiled at me, "yes please!" I chuckled and we walked off to Kyoukai, and Itachi's direction.

"Kyou-Nii, Ita, can we do a quick detour to the closest village? I found these two cuties and they're lost!" I yelled from a distance at my two siblings.

Their heads snapped my way and looked at the two little boys shyly standing behind me. Itachi had a small smile and sighed, continuing walking. While Kyoukai grinned at the two boys and yelled out a "sure!"

I pointed at Itachi, "see that boy? He's my younger brother. His name is Itachi." I then pointed to the taller boy with red hair, "and thats Kyoukai, my older brother."

They nodded their heads and introduced themselves to my siblings.

"Uhm, Nee-chan? You said something about Suzaku and I reminding you of your two younger brothers. Aren't they here too?" I gave Naruse a smile, "they are in my old village. I couldn't take them with me."

They both nodded their heads, "can you tell us about them?" Suzaku asked. "Sure!" I happily said.

"So, the one that reminds me of you, Suzaku, is named Sasuke. He's a bit arrogant and usually really prideful. He's a tsundere and overprotective. But he's also a kind person and really cares about his family." Suzaku nodded his head, "what does he look like?" "He has black/ dark bluish hair, and is quite the pretty boy. Pale skin and black eyes.

"An then, Naruse, the one you remind me of is Naruto. I raised Naruto together with Kyou-Nii." They both seemed surprised. "Naruto is a loud and cheerful boy, he loves Ramen and he wants to become the Hokage." I smiled at my memories of the two little boys, 'I miss them so badly..' "Naruto has blonde hair, and sea blue eyes."

Naruse and Suzaku both looked up at me, and grabbed my hand. "Nee-chan, we're sorry that you had to leave your two brothers behind. We hope that you'll feel better soon."

I was surprised for a moment, but then broke out in a smile. "Thanks you two." I ruffled their hair and we continued walking.

'I really miss them..'







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