Chapter. 15 Gaara

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Age: 15

Your POV

We arrived at Suna and we stepped through the gates. "Halt. Who are y- OH (Y/N)-Sama! And uh Hatake Kakashi. Sorry, you can go straight to the Kazekage's office."

The Suna guard bowed to us, or uhm, me. And gave Kakashi a glare, I looked at my favorite man and glaring back at the guard. I rolled my eyes and muttered a soft thank you.

I then grabbed Kakashi's hand and walked with him towards the Kazekage's office.

"FREAK!" "MONSTER!!!" "Get away from us you weirdo!!!"

I looked to the right and saw a playground. I let go of Kakashi's hand a mumbled a "be right back."

He nodded and started to investigate Suna a bit.

I walked over to the playground, and the voices started to get louder. I saw a group of kids surrounding someone, 'annoying kids.' I rolled my eyes and walked over to the gang of brats. "Hey you guys. Nock it off, your being loud."

The group turned around to see my overly annoyed but bored face. "H-hey! Old lady! Don't talk to us like that! Who even are you?!" A vein popped up when I heard him say old lady. I gave the boy a harsh glare and he immediately backed away.

I walked over to the boy that was surrounded and crouched down to his level. "Hello there~ are you alright?" I felt his strong chakra, and I also felt the chakra of Shukaku. 'Shuuu~' I heard a groan in my mind, 'hey (N/N). Long time no see.' I chuckled in my mind and muttered a "yes."

I then grabbed the little boys hand and tilted him up, carrying him with me, I went back to Kakashi. "Onee-chan.. are you n-not afraid o-of me?" I locked my eyes with the boy. "No, no Im not afraid of you. Now tell me, what is your name?" His eyes lit up a bit, "G-gaara.." I petted his head and gave him a soft smile, "well then, Gaara, from now on we are friends ok?" He nodded his head and I continued walking. "Onee-chan? Where are we going?"

I gasped, forgetting that it seemed like I was kidnapping the boy. It just felt so natural because of my little brothers, Shisui and Naruto. I also felt comfortable with Gaara because of Shukaku.

"U-uh sorry! Were going to the Kazekage's office." He gave me a confused look. "Why did you apologize, Onee-chan?" I shook my head, "nothing."

"(N/N)!" I turned around to see Kakashi, "ah hey~" he gave me a confused look, "who is this?" I pointed at Gaara. I nervously chuckled, "t-the cutest kid in uhm Suna?~" he groaned and rolled his eyes- uhm, eye. I chuckled again and he grabbed my hand.

"We're going to be late for our meeting with the Kazekage." I apologized to him and we started to run.

I bowed down to the Kazekage, "we have come to serve under you as guards, Kazekage-sama." Kakashi said in a monotone voice, wearing his Anbu mask.

He glanced at me and then looked back at the Kazekage, waiting for anything that he would say. "Dragon," the Kazekage said, I locked eyes with the Kazekage and replied with "yes my lord?" He looked at the boy that I was carrying.

"Why are you carrying Gaara?" He was staring me down, but flinched when I didn't show a sign of backing away and instead, stared back at him, holding no emotion in my eyes, making it seem like Im practically dead.

"He got bullied and I helped him, I was not able to leave him there so I took him with me. Besides, he is your son so I had thought that you would want to know that he gets bullied."

He looked nervous after I said "your son." So I assumed that the two of them had a bad relationship. I shrugged it off and waited for the Kazekage's final word.

"Okay, you may leave for today. Tomorrow at 5 AM, meet here in my office. Dismissed." Kakashi and I nodded our heads and walked out of the office

"Holy shit there was a thick tension in there." Kakashi said, rather bored despite saying that sentence. "Yeah well I guess I don't get along with that guy already." I answered with a grin, though he couldn't see it because of my mask. He chuckled and ruffled my hair, "don't get into trouble (N/N)" I nodded and grabbed Kakashi's hand. "Lets go to the place where we will stay for the time being." He nodded his head and we started to walk out.

"(Y/N)-Nee?" I looked at the red haired boy, "yes?" He gave me a nervous smile, "i-is it o-okay for me t-to come with y-you?"

I gave him a confused look, "of course it is. Why?" He shook his head, "its just.. you've been nice to me but Im still a threat. (Y/N)-Nee, its best to keep distance from me..."

I locked my eyes with him and just stared at him with a blank expression. I stared at him for another five minutes, making him extremely uncomfortable. I then answered with a blank "no." He looked at me, dumfounded, "w-what?" I turned my attention infront of me.

"I said no. Im not keeping distance from you. Atleast not for the time that Im here. Your still a kid and you could use some love." I pulled my mask off and gave him a sheepish smile while winking at him.

His eyes lit up and tears started to come out. I panicked, Ive never been good with crying people so this is bad. "A-ah sorry don't cry why are you crying oh no help someone aaaaa"

I was petting his back and kept saying random stuff while panicking. He then broke a huge bright smile, "Im not crying because Im sad! Im crying because Im happy!" I stared at him before giving him a goofy grin, "okay Im relieved to hear that. Now lets go~!"

We had some random conversations after that and the day soon came to an end. I dropped him off at his house and went back to my own.

Falling asleep while thinking about my new little buddy 'this is good, this'll help me get my mind off of my brothers. Yes, this is really good. I like that kid' I smiled to myself and passed out.

Snuggling up to the warmth next to me. And soon, two strong arms wrapped around me. "Goodnight (N/N)" I mumbled a, "goodnight Kashi." And we both had a great night rest."

Kazekage's POV

'That Dragon sure had a frightening aura surrounding her. She completely erased her chakra and her presence so it was like talking to the wall, I really had to do my best to know that she was even here. It would be a wise to keep being friendly with the Leaf, my shinobi would be no match to that girl.'

I sighed and looked over at the papers that I held, 'what was she doing with Gaara though? His chakra was so peaceful, it set me on ease before realizing that he had a tailed beast inside of him. Just who is that Dragon? Who is that mysterious girl?''




Hidan: "that mysterious girl is just a random bitch."


Sasori: "wait what???"

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