Chapter Five

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"Can we stick him in a crytopod?"

"No, Keith. He doesn't have a deadly injury."

"He's been unconscious for a few hours. Are you sure he's okay?"

Lance wearily opened his eyes, blinking as he looked around at everyone around him. Allura and Coran's face held the most worry, but Lance could easily tell that Keith was close behind. The red paladin had his hands behind his back, and he had a feeling Keith was about to take him to a crytopod despite Shiro claiming he was fine.

The others watched Lance as he dragged his fingers into his hair. He slightly winced as his fingers glazed over a large goose egg that was planted on the side of his head. He held his hand to the spot.

"I suppose that explains why my head hurts," Lance sighed, rubbing his head softly.

"You hit your head when you passed out," Coran explained softly. "Keith is going to be watching you for a concussion."

The red paladin blushed excitedly, but Lance loudly grunted. He watched Keith's excitement die quickly. The red paladin opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut just as quick.

"You don't want me to watch you?" Keith asked slowly, voice wavering. He seemed scared of the answer.

"Keith," Lance sighed. "You hate me. I wouldn't be surprised if you stabbed me with one of your blades."

The look that appeared on Keith's face was one of pure anguish. "I don't hate you," he tried desperately. "It was all an act."

Lance's body went rigid. The look on Keith's face barely wavered as he waited for Lance to reply, eyes watering slightly as guilt took over his mind. The others in the room watched the two, intrigued.

"Why the hell would anyone act like that?" Lance's eyes narrowed into a glare. "I've done nothing but attempt to be nice to you, yet you always end up provoking me!"

"I'm sorry," Keith whispered shakily, wincing as he stared at his lap. "Will you let me make it up to you?"

"I guess," Lance said. "I have permission to kick you out if you suddenly act like a jerk."

"Oh," Keith started slowly, then nodded. "Okay. I can understand that. That's fair."

He helped Lance stand, and soon the two of them were headed to the blue paladin's bedroom.


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