Chapter Seven

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Allura eventually came to check on Lance, bringing him a plate of food goo. Hunk had been ranting about their need to stop at the nearest friendly planet to get more edible food. Allura agreed, but Lance was her biggest priority. When the boy saw her, he started to chew on his lip.

"I- I have," he paused, trying to come up with the right words. "I have a question. I actually have a lot of questions."

"You can ask us as many questions as you want," Allura said softly before handing him the bowl. "You should eat first, though. It's been a few days since you have."

Lance nodded and grabbed it, slowly slurping down the green substance. His gaze was intense, his eyes never leaving hers. It made her squirm in her seat, and she wondered if he was enjoying making her uncomfortable. He finally stopped staring at her when he finished eating, setting down his bowl.

"How long have you known that I was your son?" he asked after sitting in silence. "Why had you waited so long to tell me?"

"I wasn't sure," she said quietly. "I didn't want to tell you, just for you to find out it wasn't true."

He nodded as if pleased by the answer, though he still wouldn't look up at her. The look on his face was a foreign one to Allura - it wasn't one of happiness or amusement; it was confusion, shock, and something else she couldn't place.

"Why would you and Coran even..." he shook his head, not wanting to think about what he was asking. "You're hardly an adult, and he's hundreds of years older than my abuela on Earth."

She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. "I don't remember much of the night you were conceived. I just know Coran and I had had too much to drink of something similar to what Shiro called alcohol. In our heads, it seemed like a good idea. I know we had both agreed to it, and by the time we realized it was actually a bad idea, it was too late. I was pregnant with you."

Lance finally met her eyes again. "Does this make me a prince?"

Allura seemed shocked at his words. She tilted her head, eyes shining with curiosity. "I think so," she hummed. "I don't see why you wouldn't be."


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