Chapter Thirteen

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Lance was perfectly fine by himself, but no one seemed to believe him. They wouldn't let him do anything in peace. He had barely even been allowed to take a shower.

He had only been in the bathroom for a couple minutes when he heard someone knocking on the door. "You okay in there, Lance?" 

"I'm fine, Pidge," he groaned. "Will you please leave me alone? I have a beauty routine I have to uphold."

There was a reluctant sigh from the other side of the door, but he decided to keep his mouth shut. The red paladin didn't feel like keeping the green paladin around for longer than he had to. He had a feeling that he wouldn't even be sleeping alone.

There was a part of him that understood their worry. He just wished it didn't require an entourage of people following him every time he had to pee. The privacy space offered was already limited, and he didn't seem to have any now. It had only been ten minutes, but it was draining. 

He sat in the shower for another ten minutes before another knock sounded, this one seemingly heavier than Pidge's had been. Lance had a feeling the sound had come from Shiro's metal arm. A small hum managed to come through the door and the shower water.

"Lance? You okay in there?" The older paladin called.

"I'm fine," he said, exasperated. "If I don't call out, it means nothing has happened, okay?"

"If you say so," he said slowly. "We'll be listening if you need anything."

As Lance let himself relax a little more, he heard a sound in the hall that didn't seem to belong to any of the paladins' footsteps. He slowly turned off the shower and reached for a towel, drying off slowly. His clothes were just close enough to grab without walking, so he reached a hand out to pick them up. Once he was redressed, he stepped out of the room with his hands out nervously.

"Guys-!" he started to scream for help, but whoever was grabbing him covered his mouth. He screamed at the top of his lungs before something hit his head, hard, and he fell back into their arms.


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