Chapter Eleven

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"You tried talking with him, didn't you?" Lance sighed as Allura entered the room a couple minutes later.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she made a face.

"You walked in, turned around, and was only gone for like, ten minutes. I'm going to guess, since Keith didn't return with you, he's still going to return to the Blade."

They both sighed at that, making Lance's expression grow into a somber one. He stood up from his bed even when Allura protested. She tried to lead him back to his resting place.

"You really need to rest, Lance," she said worriedly.

"I'm tired of resting. I need to move a little. Can you get the others and see if they'll do a little flight training with me?"

He didn't wait for a reply, walking straight for the lions. Red looked over at him expectantly and let her mouth open for him. He smiled.

As he stepped inside, he heard another lion roar to life and he grinned as he watched Pidge and Allura get in their own ships. Soon enough, the whole team was gathered with Shiro coaxing black to work.

"Any fights we can join nearby?" Lance asked everyone over the coms.

"There's a galra battle cruiser not far off," Coran's voice reported. "I'm sending you all the coordinates now.

Lance raced out of the hangar as soon as he could see the others leave. They quickly found the Galra and soon enough, they were locked in battle. He almost missed the fact that one of those ships was Lotor's and Haggar's - until his lion suddenly wasn't in his control anymore.


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