Chapter Eight

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Lance looked thoughtful. "If we told people that there was another Altean royal, do you think we would gain more alliances in the galaxy? We've almost reached all of them. Could this help more?"

"It could be a stretch," Allura admitted. "They're unaware that I have a child. They believe Coran and I are the last of the Alteans."

"We'll have to try," Keith suddenly said from the doorway. "We could use all the help we can get. Voltron can't save the galaxies alone. While I'm lionless, I can help the Blade of Marmora while keeping you updated on everything they find. You guys could try to convince everyone that Lance truly is a royal."

Lance looked away, ignoring the small sting of tears as his brain picked up on the fact that Keith was going to leave. Allura almost looked happy that the half-Galran had suggested that, but aside from giving a pleased smile, all she did was nod.

"I haven't told anyone about what Coran and I told you," Allura said. "We can tell them when we broadcast it to nearby planets, or we can tell them prior to doing that."

"Keith already knows," Lance sighed. "The others can wait. I'm... still in a state of shock, and I doubt hearing it ten times over will help that - just talking about it know is making me feel weird."

Allura sighed, nodding. "Coran should have taken it slower. It may have helped-"

Lance interrupted her, abruptly putting a finger to her lips. Her words had become fast and almost inaudible in a very short period of time. The younger Altean normally would have had no trouble keeping up with it, but at that moment, he was confused and wasn't taking anything as well as he normally would have.

"I would have had the same reaction," Lance said. "I just need to get used to it, sleep it off. I would say ignore it, but I don't think that's possible."

Keith continued to watch both people from the doorway, leaning against it to keep himself upright. His hand was on his Marmora knife, and he watched Allura in a protective way. Lance gave him a look when he noticed.

"Allura, can I talk to him alone?" Keith suddenly said, dropping his hand from the weapon. "It'll be quick. I'll make sure he rests when I leave."

She looked reluctant, but a glance from Lance made her relent. Allura walked out of the room with one last look at her son. Keith traded places with her in the bedside chair.


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