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A quick couple snaps of his fingers and the bars population was completely replaced with geared S.H.I.E.L.D agents. This wasn't normal.

S.H.I.E.L.D has always been a very discreet organization. A shadow, following silently and never really paid too much attention to unless they feel their occupancy is absolutely necessary. They loom and they linger with confident clandestine, almost in a flaunt of their own stealth and skill. So to do something so insecure and as out of character as to clear out the entire building - one so over populated at that - meant something was really wrong.

My buzz froze into heeding entrapment.

"Captain. (Y/N)." He addressed us.

"Sgt. Fury." I addressed him back, Steve nodded.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially on a day like this, but it has as recently come to our attention that we have undergone a "Cicuta" Level emergency at the main headquarters. In-agent recruiting procedures have been taken into action and we need all Rank AZ operatives, meaning we need you; the both of you." He explained.

Level Cicuta? Conflict in Outer-dimensional or extraterrestrial engagement resulting in roguery and possible catastrophe(s). What could have possibly happened? Wait. Why AZ operatives? Other worldly dilemmas are Strange's field, I'm not at all qualified for this.

Something doesn't seem right.

"What happened? Is anyone hurt?" Steve questioned.

"All will be explained on the way there, but the longer we stay here the more likely it is that we're endangering human life. I suggest we get going."

With an obedient nod we stand to leave and are directed into two different vehicles. Me accompanied by three heavily armed agents and Steve joined by Sgt. Fury. My eartips burned with biting anxiety.

My gut is telling me to panic but my brain sees no reason to. Fury, although militant, always has reason for his actions. His promises at their most unfulfillable never falter, and even with the most brute plan of action his plans never lack vigilance. He is in every sense of the word; reliable.

But already his character has been countered by previously out-of-mind signs- signs of something being wrong and less than truthful. I've never even practiced Cicuta drills, let alone dealt with the real thing. My experience up until now has been strictly earthly, and even then that's only training. For god sakes, I'm not even allowed to explore the full extent of my talents out of fear it may be unconcealable! If what he says is true there's a chance I could unknowingly make the situation worse.

The agent beside me noticed the quickened pace in my breath. "(Y/last name)."

I closed my eyes and answered him. "Mhm?"

"Keep a leveled head, Soldier. Take a couple breaths."

I nodded.

God, I must look like an amateur. First real mission and I immediately start to crumble, it's like freshmen year all over again. Okay. Okay, (Y/N); you can do this. What ever it is, I can kick it's ass.

I took a deep breath. "I'm okay, sorry." I sighed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright then, here's the plan:" He began. "In about 10 minutes we'll be hitting entrance JD97 for drop off. Hemanez, Thompson, and I- " He gestured to the man across and next to me. "-Will be your designated escorts until we reach Wing 12 at Class C clearance for pick up. There you will be received by Agent Aubrey. He'll be a tall brown haired fella in red gear. Anyone else you do not approach, I repeat: anyone else you do not approach, are we clear?"

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now