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"Hurry now!"

~ Two months ago ~

Sleet glazed pastures and flurry fallen skies, it only snows once on the green prairies of the Helixian plain.

This day in December had rolled in colder than usual and the atmosphere of this land was completely at a loss for me. But Loki was kind enough to let us take the day off to enjoy the snow.

"It's my favorite day." He said. "The cold makes me feel at home. It makes me feel at peace."

I could second that notion. The cold reminded me of the winters back in Brooklyn. Snow days on the porch of my mother's townhouse. Fur coats itching up my sleeve on the walks to daycare. The snow was a warm reminder of what was before, of life when all was peace. I was glad I got to share it with Loki.

"The sunset won't last forever! Hellooo!?" Loki called out from the living room.

"Oop!" I juggled our drinks. "I'm coming, babe! Hold on!"

Scurrying to the porch with two large drinks in my hands, I nearly tripped as I finally made it to hammock awaiting me outside.

He chuckled. "You need any help?"

I shook my head as I handed him his drink. "One iced latte? Extra frost?"

He smiled."Thank you, darling." He said as moved to make room on the hammock.

"No problem." I sat beside him.

Taking a sip from the porcelain mug, I eyed him as the drink left my lips. His blue eyes looked darling against the gleam of the sunset. A hint of green spilled against the seal of his irises, the light that shown over every flawless fixture of his face; I could truly see how beautiful a man he was. But it wasn't the color of his eyes nor the curl of his lips that made my heart feel so brimful in this moment. Yet the life and the joy that radiated as I sat beside him. He was truly in his element. He looked so comfortable, so happy. I couldn't think of a more perfect feeling. The feeling of knowing he was at such ease. I didn't want it to end.

"What? What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

"Hm? Oh." I shook away the daze. "No, no.. I"

He laughed. "Oh, I see. I mean, I am quite beautiful aren't I?" He prodded jokingly.

I elbowed him lightly. "Oh hush. You're just in the way of the sun, that's all."

"Oh, you're as pretty as you are a bad liar." He rolled his eyes. "Come." He set his drink aside and laid back. "Lay with me."

Laying back and meeting his inner shoulder as his arm curled around me, I snuggled into him and breathed in contently. The smell of his cologne beckoned sweetly as I took him in. It was so serene, so comforting. I felt like a puzzle piece, completed and absolute in these moments when we were together. I couldn't stand being apart from him. And every second we spend whole, I dread even more how alone I'll feel when he's away.

What is this feeling?

I was so caught in the spell of his aroma that I almost missed his question.

"Am I the first?"

"Hm?" I glanced up at him.

"Am I the first to gain your affection like this?" He repeated.

"Uh, like a boyfriend?"

"I suppose."

"Well, I uh," I sighed. "I already told you about Jai."

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt