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    "What does it feel like..on the other side?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know-" She lifted her weight onto her shoulder and sat up. "On the other side of the spectrum? Being the giver instead of the receiver?"

"You mean while we make love?"

She nodded.

"Ah, well- there's no REAL way, I don't think-  to put it in words. If anything, any real description I could come up with would likely fall short of accurate; being that some things are just much too complex to be put into a series of sentences. But if there is at least one thing I can really say of it is that it's...absolute."


"Like being whole, I'd say? Complete, fulfilled; it's not just a constant pulsing or thrust, but like I'm plugging myself into you. It's quite honestly electrifying, if that makes sense."

"Yeah." She smiled. "It does."

Laying back on her side, she laid her hand gently upon my bare chest. "It's weird. When I was first introduced to the concept of sex and relationships, I was told that it was blinding. A cloud on your senses and a complete distraction from any real priority. But it seems to me it's the exact opposite. It feels awakening, refreshing-"

"Unifying." We said together.

She let out a tickled snicker. "Finishing each other's sentences? You're getting soft on me Trickster god."

"Me? Aren't you an Avenger?" I teased.

She laughed. "An Avenger? Please, I'm barely an agent. First time carrying out simple protocol on my own and I wound up kidnapped and ravaged by the "O' mighty Loki of Asgard"."

"Ravaged?" I chuckled. "Would you mind telling that to the gashes lining my back?"

She pouted and kissed my cheek softly. "Awe. I'm sorry about that, baby."


My bones shuddered with a gleeful chill.

How could something so simple feel so adorning? The word felt as if a crown laid atop my head.

I spoke carefully, fearing I'd stutter. "This is a first for me. Romantic involvement is such a new concept- it's as if I've found myself on a complete different level of reality. Forgive me if I seem inept."

"No you're perfectly fine. This is a first for me too." She said softly. "It feels much more natural than I expected. If anything, this is the most human I've felt in a while. -I can still feel my heart beat if you'd like to feel."

I nodded and turned to her as she lead my hand to her chest. "It's still racing." I pointed out.

"Weird isn't it?"

I wrapped my free arm around her back. "Come here." I pulled her into me.

"Listen." I held her up to me tightly.

"Looks like we're in sync." She whispered.

Snuggling into me she spoke again. "What time is it?"

I looked back at the room clock and sucked my teeth. "2am."


"It should seem so."

"Should we sleep?"

I shrugged. "I'm not tired. But, if you are I don't mind."

"Eh, I don't even need to sleep. I just do it for the fun of it."

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now