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It was a gaze like a fond memory, a first impression replayed like an old cassette tape. Something in the past showed similar to this moment, yet a feeling came with it like seeing color for the first time. A blossoming rose. Rain on a summer day. I was 18 again, standing on that ledge looking into his eyes; but this time it was different.

I think I'm gonna vomit.

I swallowed down the urge to as my cheeks burned with a mix of flattery and embarrassment. "Thank you...Loki."

"Oh..Uh-" He cleared his throat. "Yes, Of course. You're welcome." He muttered as he helped me up.

"Is all.. okay?"

"Yeah- Yes! Thank you so much for that, Loki! I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't came and saved the day like that. You're definitely a life saver." I thanked him.

He blushed? "Oh, uh yeah, no it was of no problem to me, of course." He retorted with a half smile.

A quite uncomfortable silence fell between the both of us.

He let out a stressed sigh and turned away, gesturing toward the kitchen. The morning sun now lighting what mess had been made in the midst of all the chaos of earlier. "So uh.."

"Oh yeah the kitchen...yeah. I'll- uh I'll take care of it." I nodded.

"I could help if you'd-"

"Oh gah- Uh no, no it's okay. I made the mess, it's only fair I clean it up. Plus, I could just use my weird Genesis Crystal magi-" We both glanced at the bracelet. "Oh or you know, I guess that broom over there." I shrugged.

Walking to the corner of the room he grabbed the cleaning tool for me. Walking back and handing it over, our hands touched a bit as I took it from him, igniting that nauseous feeling in my stomach again. I almost openly heaved from the sensation.

"Thanks." I smiled awkwardly.

Returning a smile, he nodded and waved before almost hurriedly walking off.

Holding the broom tightly in my hands, I bent my head and closed eyes; releasing the pressure in my chest with a long and dragged out sigh.

What the hell was that?

"Guh.." I groaned.

What was worse that meltdown; or whatever that was?

I mean it's pretty obvious which one was worse - but that little exchange? I didn't even know I still possessed the ability to vomit being that I don't even have a functioning stomach anymore. What type of dark magic kind of shit was that? Jesus, I could barely get out a solid sentence.

My shoulders tensed as l cringed.

Thinking about it may be the death of me.

Besides there are bigger things to worry about like how I just stopped time?? How? I can do a lot of things but I can't do that!

I took a hand from the handle of the broom. Gazing at it, taking detail of every follicle, every patch of skin; I tightened my fingers into fist.

But you can.

Thor. Heimdall. How I long for your guidance. If you were here...

I exhaled and began to sweep.

But they're not. And it's just me. Just me to steer this beast I've been forced to take home in.

So what else do you have in store for me?

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now