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When I first met you,

You were the worst thing I had ever laid my eyes on.

A green devil, with horns sitting atop his head. Proud, arrogant, content.

I saw you and yet,

You didn't see me.

Because when I met you, it wasn't in that Kingdom or in Sengusial's castle.

It was in New York,

When I was 15.

It was a Friday. School had been dismissed a little earlier than usual, due to some coded threat on the intercom system; and I was finally decreed the chance to fit in some after school time with my dearest friend: Jahile Hernandez.

Jahile was a sweet boy. Very kind, very smart. One of those kids you'd point out in a room and think "Yeah, he's gonna be something someday." He was confident, charismatic ~ a year my senior, so naturally; I looked up to him.

But when we first met we didn't have much time to spend together. He was popular in high school. A handsome Hispanic boy with a mane of black hair and a wingspan like crazy. He stood at a solid six feet and when you're that tall, a teenage girl could spot you from a mile away. And because of this, his constant ocuppidity made him a little difficult to love.

So I didn't think much of him. He was in a few of my classes so whenever he'd speak to me I'd toss him a little wave every now and then, but other than that I didn't care.

Well, apparently he did.

He'd explain to me later on in our friendship that he actually looked forward to seeing me every morning in class. He thought I was cute and my skin looked soft. I had always brought this orange backpack on my shoulder when I walked in and because of that; he says he's never seen orange the same way again.

One day he sat next to me at lunch. Dropped this corny one-liner about "mystery meat" that nearly made me spit out my drink. What was it again? Oh. "Nice to mystery meet you." God, what a weird way to start a friendship.

I miss it.

I miss him.

But this Friday Afternoon, we took a detour. Pass the alleyway near Grand Avenue's pizza shop, not too far to reach the highway's but far enough to see the whitestone bridge from across the way. We had parked ourselves near an old building. Set up a small picnic with a dining set of a couple sports drinks and a few baked chip bags we had nabbed from the cafeteria line up.

"You know Kathy, right?" He started.


"Kathy Slanders? I think she's in your history class."

I shook my head. "Never heard of her."

"Oh, well; came up to me after AP yesterday, right?"


"Had this shitty smirk on her face, like she knew she was about to start some shit."

"Alright, sounds messy. I love it already."

He chuckled. "She comes up to me and she's like 'Joe, let me speak to you real quick.'"

"Joe? Wait. But how would she-"

"Exactly! Like you are the only person who's called me by that name so immediately I'm like 'Uh oh.' But anyways, I follow her and we stop near the lockers."

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