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He smiled cheekily. "I'm sorry I don't think I've properly introduced myself, I'm-"

"You slimy son of a bitch!" I yelled behind clenched teeth before throwing him out of the room with a swift motion of my wrist.

Just as fast as his body slammed into the wall opposite of the hidden room, I was there to greet him again; angrily.

"Where are they?!" I roared.

But he didn't answer. Instead he smiled, a smug chuckle crackling in his throat as he looked down at me. As if looking at some child playing pretend to his amusement.

Slowly I began to clench my hand into a fist, forcing the air to mimic the movement of my fingers to tighten around his throat. "Don't fuck with me! Where are they?! What have you done to them?!"

"What? Me?" He struggled to speak. "Why are you already accusing me of something? As far as you know-"

Raising my fist above my shoulders, he was lifted up the wall; his feet dangling above the floor. "Don't bullshit me, Loki! Thor told me everything!"

"And you're just gonna believe that dope? What about me? Don't I get a side of this story?"

My grip tightened. "No." I growled.

"Alright, well-" He gasped. "How am I to give you any answers when I.....Ack...Can not breathe?"

My hold loosened, though still I kept him suspended in air. "Where are they?"

A moment passed.

And then another.

And then another.

But still no answer.

If I break his neck I'll never get an answer. I told myself.

My mind began to scramble with fury. "God damn it, say-"

"Now!" He yelled.


From between my ribs peeked the tip of a sword. Its material was of something a cross from emerald and bone. It cut through me like a knife to hot butter, swift and not slowed by any opposing force. But from this wound I felt no pain, no sting, no soreness or throbbing; what I felt was hot. Hot to the point of numbness, hot enough to bring glass to a blistering boil. This feeling didn't come from the gaping slit in my abdomen though. No, this feeling washed over me. This feeling gathered over my head the second I looked into the knavish and conniving eyes of my enemy.

I couldn't contain myself any longer. I could see myself, like a dream; watching my body act without any conscious permission.

I moved nearly in a blur. Pulling the sword from my chest and using it against the throat of the attacker standing behind me, I was further ambushed by the men surrounding us. Loki had seemly disappeared among these men but I couldn't find it in me to care. I slashed and I slain without moral hesitation, moving like smoke; another crowd of bodies trailing behind me.

What ever human left in this body singed away like water to the bottom of a blistering pan under the heat of my anger. All that was left of me was my mind. And even then I struggled to steer this new creature I called myself.

I was loosing it. I screamed in my head: Stop! That's enough! You're not this! You're not a -

Suddenly, in the midst of all this carnage, came a bright flash of green. A stone force quickly wrapped around my neck. And before I could get the face of this sudden assailant, a thick puff of smoke blew in an assault to my searching eyes. My arms moved to attack what ever it was that brought this blanket now sparing me of sight. But before my mind could even draw conclusion to what was happening, I began to fall dizzy.

"Uh..Wha..?...Ah...ghn..." I slurred as I feel to my knees.

"There. There." Loki's voice sang.

I could hear his knees hit the floor as he leveled with me.

"Now would you look at this. You know I almost didn't believe it when I found out about you. The Genesis Crystal, returning to Asgard as a human of all things - but yet here you are: deadly, powerful, invincible - and all wrapped up in a pretty face no less. I'd say this is just too good to be true but, with that stunt you just pulled-" He chuckled darkly. " I don't think I could be proven any more wrong."

I opened my mouth, pushing the words from my throat as the world fell darker and darker. But could only get out a choppy mess of what I intended to say. ""

"Hush now, My pet. Rest. Save your strength. We have much to do when you awake again."

I attempted to move towards the direction of his voice, commanding my arms to at least drag me there. But they faltered under the weight of my body, and my mind shut down as my head fell against the floor.

My ears were the last to give in, and the sound of his voice rang in my head before all went dark:

"-Oh and be watchful handling the Gem, fellas. She has to sparkle when we put her on display."


*A little short but I figured if I crammed the idea that I have for the next chapter into this one, it would feel a bit out of place. But don't worry, the next chapter will be much longer*

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now