Chapter 7~ Plan with Friends

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One month later,

Laila had very cleverly gotten into Aashi's friend's circle but not in between Rishabh and Aashi. Aashi begun noticing that every time when things weren't going her way or when she was being ignored Laila always played the victim card and gained sympathy and attention from everyone, especially Rishabh. Aashi didn't know he was so gullible. She began feeling something was fishy with Laila.

When Aashi expressed her thoughts to Suchitra, Kajal and Rishabh they rubbished it saying it is just her imagination, - 'She is such a sweet girl.' They would say. Aashi had a feeling this was just a mask.


One year later, after the last exam

Aashi came out of the Accounting exam with a broad smile, everyone else had a fallen face.

'That was tough.' Suchitra said wiping her brow, she too looked tensed. Aashi got little worried, why isn't she tensed? But her worry went out of the window when she saw Rishabh with few other boys, a grim expression on their face. Rishabh is saying something and shaking his head. Last night Rishabh had dropped by at Aashi's place and she had spent the whole evening and half the night tutoring him.

'You better not mess up.' Aashi said sternly as she stood beside him.

'I hope I don't.... I wonder who the heartless person was to set such a tough paper. Wanted to show off I guess.' Rishabh said shaking his head. Aashi didn't say anything. The two silently climbed the stairs.

'Hey, do you think they will be lenient with the corrections?' Rishabh added as the afterthought. Aashi shrugged, - 'Dunno.'

'Anyway,' Rishabh placed his arm around Aashi's shoulder, - 'Forget that, we are going for a trip to Lonavala.' He sounded excited again. Aashi smiled nodding her head. After a hectic one year of College finally, they will be getting a well-deserved break with friends. Rishabh, Saket, Jasmine, Feroz, Dinesh, Jagan, and Aashi, group of close friends had been planning for this trip since months and now finally the time has come. Everyone is excited.

'Hey!' Laila came out of nowhere and stood, smiling in front of them, few books pressed tightly against her chest and a bag hung on her shoulder. Rishabh moved his arm from around Aashi and greeted her with a smile. Aashi greeted her dryly with a small smile.

'How was your exam, Rishabh?' She asked sweetly.

Hello, I am standing here too, Aashi thought bitterly.

'Not so great, it was tough.' Rishabh said sadly

'Oh,' - Laila's smile vanished, - 'Don't worry you will excel, I am sure.' She said placing a palm on his shoulder. Aashi frowned.

'I will lucky if I pass.' Rishabh said shaking his head. Laila looked on concerned.

Before Laila could speak more, Aashi held Rishabh's hand, - 'Come we have so much to pack.' She tugged on his arm. Rishabh nodded but before they could go, Laila interrupted, - 'Where are you both going?' She asked

Aashi rolled her eyes as Rishabh told her everything. Laila pouted sadly, - 'Wish I had friends like you guys. But I am so...never mind, you guys carry on.' She said sadly. Aashi bit her lower lip, she knew what Rishabh will say next.

'Arey, why are you feeling upset Laila? You are our friend too, join us.' Rishabh said brightly. Laila's face lit up for a second before she became sad again, - 'But they might not like me, a stranger.' She pouted sadly and lowered her head.

Rishabh's expression softened, he placed his palm on her shoulder and smiled, - 'Don't worry, they are cool. They love making new friends.' He said.

Laila looked up and smiled, - 'Thanks.'

Then they stared into each other's eyes until Aashi held Rishabh's hand and dragged him away

'I will come to pick you up by 4 today.' He yelled over his shoulder. Laila nodded waving her hand.


All Friends Trip *_* Wow!!! I am so excited, guys. Hmmm, but Laila is also tagging along and I wonder what is in store for our Aashi and Rishabh on this trip? *curious face*

What are your thoughts? Drop them in the comments, my lovelies *flying kisses* 

What are your thoughts? Drop them in the comments, my lovelies *flying kisses* 

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