Chapter 53~ He is Jealous

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Next morning, Aashi walked through the corridor and met Himanshu. They passed smile at each other. As they waited for the elevator Rishabh joined them. He looked at Aashi. She looked at him and quickly looked away. She called Himanshu and began talking random stuff with him. Himanshu at first was slightly taken aback but spoke with her. Aashi inwardly smiled on seeing Rishabh slightly agitated. The elevator door opened but before Aashi or Himanshu could enter, Rishabh squeezed passed by them and entered first. Aashi frowned while he smiled at her.

'Waise, Congrats, Himanshu. Heard you got engaged.' Aashi extended her hand and Himanshu smiled shaking hand with her. Rishabh stood behind them but didn't bother commenting on this. Aashi looked at him from the corner of her eyes and then looked back at Himanshu.

'Very wise decision. Suchitra is an amazing girl.' Aashi said and then added while eyeing Rishabh, - 'Good you decided to marry.' – She looked at Himanshu and forced a smile, - 'My mom is also asking me to get married.' – Aashi eyed Rishabh again as she continued, - 'and now I am thinking I should give in and get married.' She looked away. A smile crept across her lips as she felt Rishabh inhale sharply.

'Wow! That is great. Any guy in mind?' Himanshu asked and Aashi was immensely happy he asked. She nodded lowering her head.

'Yes. Akash. I met him yesterday. He is good. Some more meeting and then I will decide.' She said seriously. Himanshu nodded and congratulated her. She thanked him and mentally patted herself. The elevator door opened, and they stepped out. Aashi and Himanshu bid good-bye.

As walked towards her cabin, Rishabh called her. She smiled and continued to walk not turning back. He ran towards her and held her arm. She stopped and turned her head to look at him. Rishabh took a deep breath and pushed aside hair from his forehead. He looked at her.

'Are you seriously thinking of getting married?'

Aashi didn't fail to notice the tinge of fear in his voice. He bought her lie.

She nodded and turned to face him. 'Of course. Why shouldn't I?' She replied folding her arms. 'Unlike you, I plan to marry someday.' She said. Rishabh's expressions changed. He looked sad. Looking at him, Aashi considered telling him the truth. But no, she must harden her heart. This must be done.

'But why suddenly?' Rishabh asked desperately. No matter how cool he pretended to be his voice was giving him away. Aashi knew him too well, anyway. She sighed and looked down briefly before looking up at him.

'Not sudden. My mom had been talking about it for one year now and I think,' – She inhaled deeply looking away and then looked back at him, - 'it's high time I consider it.' She tried sounding serious and convincing. Rishabh looked away exasperatedly.

'Why you want to complicate things, Aashi?' He asked. Aashi sighed and shook her head.

'Rishabh it is getting late and this is office,' – She looked around briefly before looking back at him, - 'and I am your boss so-'

'Fine.' Rishabh interrupted her angrily and walked past her. She winced as he hit his shoulder with hers. Aashi smiled to herself.


The rest of the day, Aashi noticed Rishabh was aloof. Even in the meetings he was distracted and kept avoiding her. It was so unlike him. Aashi was enjoying this.

After office hours, Aashi stepped out of her cabin and glanced towards Rishabh's cabin. She then looked at the elevator holding her breath. A few minutes later, Rishabh stepped out of his cabin. His laptop bag hanging on his left shoulder and his black coat on his right arm. He locked his cabin and turned. His gaze found Aashi and she quickly looked down.

'Where are you stupid, Akash?' She muttered to herself. Not to look suspicious she looked up at Rishabh. He was now standing by the elevator. Aashi unlocked her phone and pretended to work as she walked towards the elevator.

Aashi: Where are you? Office hours over.

She smiled standing next to Rishabh, he simply looked at her and then quickly looked away. She sighed and just then her phone beeped. She quickly looked at her phone.

Akash: Just outside your office building.

Aashi grinned but quickly fixed her expressions and typed, "Great!" She looked upon hearing the elevator door open. Rishabh stepped aside to let her in first, she smiled gratefully at him and entered. He followed her silently.

As they exited the office, together. Out of now where Akash came in front of Aashi. She was taken aback and so was Rishabh. Reflexively he tried to protect Aashi by moving his arm in between the two. They looked at him while he glared at Akash.

'Hey, man!' Akash raised his eyebrow. Aashi suppressed her grin.

'Akash.' She said and was surprised when he hugged. She took a second to hug him back.

'Idiot! Don't overact.' She whispered angrily into his ears. Akash nodded and separated their frames.

'Rishabh.' She turned, Rishabh had been eyeing them suspiciously. She smiled and said, - 'Meet Akash, my boyfriend.' Aashi noticed color drain from his face and his lips parted, she smirked. He looked from to Aashi to Akash who waved happily at him. 'And, Akash.' – She turned and held his arm, - 'meet Rishabh, my best friend.' She introduced them.

'Hey!' Akash extended his hand for a handshake. Rishabh glared at his hand before looking at him and then at Aashi, she kept smiling. He doesn't bother saying anything and walked off. Aashi watched him go and when he was out of earshot she moved her arm away from Akash.

'Good work!' She said and raised her hand. Akash smiled and hi-fied her.

'That fellow was so annoyed, I didn't have to work much.' Akash said rubbing the back of his neck. Aashi felt good when she said that.


Rishabh is burning with Jealousy *Hahahaha* *evil laughter*

That's all for tonight, folks. Hope you guys enjoyed the back to back updates *_* Thank you all for your love :*

 Hope you guys enjoyed the back to back updates *_* Thank you all for your love :*

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