Chapter 13~ Fight!

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One week passed in a flash and soon it was time to go. The night before they were to leave Aashi couldn't sleep. She kept tossing in her bed. She decided to take a stroll in the garden, perhaps some fresh air will clear her head.

She tied a night robe over her PJs and ventured out. As she opened the door to her room, Rishabh opened the door to his. They looked at each other. One look and they knew neither of them was able to sleep.

They smiled each other and mutually decided to take a stroll in the garden.

'Rishabh?' Aashi asked as the two walked in the garden

'Hmm....' He replied not looking at her but at the ground. He randomly kicked a stone and smiled watching it travel far.

'Why were you upset, one week ago?' She asked. She had always debated with herself if she will ask him and every time decided not to. But not tonight, tonight her curiosity got better of her.

Rishabh looked at her, his expression told her that he is contemplating if he should tell her or not.

He shook his head walking ahead of her. Aashi quickly walked towards him and held his hand.

'Won't you tell your bff?' She asked with her eyebrow raised.

'Leave it yaar, it doesn't matter.' He shrugged.

'Of course, it does, it is affecting you and I can't see you like this.' Aashi sounded determined.

Rishabh doesn't reply but simply shook his head. Aashi got a hint of what might be bothering him.

'Is it related to Laila?' She asked raising her eyebrow. Rishabh looked at her sharply and his expressions gave him away. Yes.

'Dude, what is wrong with you? How many times do I have to tell you that-'

'I love her.'

Aashi froze mid-sentence, her mouth open. Slowly she looked at Rishabh and he looked at her seriously.

She blinked at him and whispered, - 'What?'

'Yes, Aashi. I love her. I tried everything like you said to stay away from her but Dude, I can't. I Dunno what has come over me, but seeing her with someone else hurts me. I don't know when I fell in love with her. Was it that peck? Or the phone calls? or her eyes? I don't know what...but I never ever felt this way before. I can't imagine being away from her. I want to just look at her and...Dude, Aashi, I love her. I seriously do.' Rishabh said. He sounded frustrated and finally, he felt free. Aashi had tears in her eyes. Why is she so upset? Rishabh loves Laila. Why does it hurt so much?

Rishabh looked at her, - 'Dude.' He placed his palms on her shoulder.

Aashi looked down trying hard to control her tears, - 'Please help me. I want to be with her, only her. Please.' His voice pleaded her and at that moment Aashi wished she was deaf.

Rishabh waited for her to respond, she took her time to compose herself. She blinked back her tears and looked at him, - 'I am sorry, Rishabh but I can't help you with this. That girl is a trouble and I won't let you be with her.' She confessed truthfully. Rishabh looked shocked.

Slowly, he let go of her shoulders still staring at her.

'I can't believe this. Because of your insecurity you are willing to sacrifice your friend's happiness.' Rishabh said.

'Happiness? Dude, you will thank me later. I am telling you she is - I don't have proof but trust me I am not lying.' Aashi defended herself.

Rishabh shook his head, - 'I know where my happiness lies and by the way, I am not a kid. No one can manipulate me.'

'But she is manipulating you. She wants to be with you for her selfish reasons...once that is done, she will leave you like she left Jeet.' Aashi argued.

'Shut up, Aashi.' Rishabh said sternly and Aashi quietened instantly. His tone was harsh. He has never used such tone with her. Aashi was shocked. She can't believe they are fighting over a girl.

'Enough is enough. Not a word against Laila. I love her and if you don't help me then also I don't care.' Rishabh glared at Aashi, she glared back. He then turned around and began to walk towards the hotel.

'Fine, Go to hell.' Aashi called after him but he doesn't respond. Aashi watched him walk away, a sinking feeling in her heart.

Is it protectiveness, possessiveness, care, or something else, Aashi is confused.


Rishabh you have no idea where you are going, dude *cry* and Poor Aashi *heartbreak* 

The best friends had promised to not fight *wipes tears* $^&%#%*& Laila, well done *slow claps* *frowns*

So, guys? How was the Chapter? Drop in your comments.

And my lovelies, the story is ranked #22. Wow *dreamy eyes* Thanks everyone for your love and support *flying kisses* and lots of love *some more flying kisses*

 Wow *dreamy eyes* Thanks everyone for your love and support *flying kisses* and lots of love *some more flying kisses*

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