Chapter 34~ Married?

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Rishabh lead Aashi into the cafeteria, he asked her to wait while he gets their order. Aashi nodded. As he walked towards the counter, Aashi looked around for a seat. Soon, she found one and quickly walked towards it.

Rishabh placed a tray carrying a plateful of pasta and fried rice. He placed the plate full of pasta on Aashi's side and fried rice on his side.

'Egg?' Aashi asked pointing at the fried rice. Rishabh smiled shaking his head.

'No.' He said

'I knew it, still no eggs?' Aashi asked looking at him intently.

'Always.' Rishabh replied. Aashi nodded her head. Since childhood Rishabh never liked eggs, and to avoid eating them he made everyone believe he is allergic to it. He made up an excuse stating the smell makes him puke. Over time, he began believing this too. He is very peculiar with this, even before having cake he enquires if it's eggless. Aashi smiled recollecting his silliness.

She stopped smiling only when she saw Rishabh looking at her inquiringly.

'Nothing.' She said shaking her head and poking the pasta with her fork.

They then began discussing work as they ate their lunch.


'Wow, Rishabh. You are good, just in one day. I am impressed' Aashi complimented as the two stepped out from the cafeteria.

'Thank you.'

'God, Rishabh, since when have to started being serious about work.' Aashi said casually. She froze and he stopped too.

She looked at him, he smiled sadly, - 'Things change, Aashi.' He said. She noticed the pain in his voice and felt bad, she also felt curious to know what happened to him that changed him so much. Is it something to do with Laila? She wondered

As they worked silently in her cabin, Aashi couldn't stop herself and asked, - 'How are you, Rishabh?' Her tone soft.

Rishabh looked up from a file. Aashi looked on, shifting in her seat.

'I am good.' -After a pause, he added, - 'and you?'

I missed you so much, Rishabh. Didn't you miss your best friend?

'I am good too.' Aashi said out loud.

Rishabh smiled little at her and lowered his head back into the file. Aashi looked away briefly before looking back at him, - 'And Laila?' She asked cautiously. Rishabh froze while flipping a page.

Slowly he looked up, - 'She is good too.' He said and Aashi felt her heart sink. Laila is with him, are they married?

'Are you guys...married?'

'I guess, we have an important work to do. We should focus on that, Maam.' Rishabh's emphasizes on the word Maam made it clear to Aashi that he isn't willing to talk about his personal life. Aashi nodded and they got back to work.

After one hour, Rishabh had briefed Aashi on everything he took his left. Aashi was left alone in her cabin again. She smiled, that one hour she and Rishabh spend working together reminded her of the countless days, they had spent doing group studying.


Night, 8.30pm

Aashi sighed leaning in her chair, she massaged her face and sat straight. There is a knock at the door.

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