Chapter 50 ~ Angry Bff

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Woohoo. Half- century, guys *_* Thank you so, so, much for all your love and support.

*flying kisses*


Next morning, Aashi woke up to the smell of toast, omelet and strong coffee. She yawned sitting up on the bed. Her eyes met Suchitra who had just entered the room carrying a tray filled with breakfast.

'Wow!' Aashi exclaimed wide-eyed.

'Why should you always have the liberty of serving breakfast at bed?' She smirked at Aashi, who nodded her head. Suchitra smiled sitting in front of her friend. Aashi folded her legs and took her plate.

'By the way,' Aashi looked up from her plate, Suchitra looked at her too, - 'Good morning.'

'Good morning.' Suchitra replied with a smile.

As the two ate their breakfast, Aashi noticed Suchitra fidgety, like there was something she wanted to tell.

'Yes.' Aashi asked taking a bite of her toast.

Suchitra at first look confused but reading Aashi's expressions she said, - 'I want to talk to you about Himanshu.'

'About time.' Aashi said with a grin. Suchitra blushed little but quickly composed herself.

'Actually, we both like each other and we are...aren't in a relationship, just experimenting. Everything in the initial stages. But-'

'But?' Aashi raised her eyebrow

Suchitra sighed, - 'Himanshu doesn't want you to know about us, especially now.'

'Why?' Aashi asked taking a sip of her coffee.

Suchitra looked worriedly at Aashi and said cautiously, - 'He thinks you will feel bad.' - She paused waiting for Aashi to respond but when there is no response she continued, - 'He had confessed that he liked you first, and, also proposed you, and now if you know that he has feelings for your best friend you might feel bad.' Suchitra looked at Aashi. Aashi blinked at her for a second before bursting out laughing. Suchitra frowned, then smiled albeit hesitantly.

'Oh, my God this is the funniest thing I have ever heard.' Aashi said in between her laughs. Suchitra smiled completely this time.

Aashi placed her palm over hers, - 'I am okay, ya. Why will I have a problem? I never loved him. I am genuinely happy for you both.' Suchitra nodded her head smiling. Aashi patted her palm and said, - 'All the best.'


Aashi knocked Rishabh's cabin door, she is excited to share this news with him.

'Come in.' She took a deep breath and entered.

'Aashi,' - Rishabh looked up from his laptop and smiled at her. She smiled barely containing her excitement. Rishabh watched her amused as she sat opposite him.

'Here, I have this presenta-'

'I was right.' Aashi interrupted Rishabh. He frowned adjusting the screen of his laptop back to face him.

'What?' Rishabh shrugged and Aashi's smile faded.

'About Suchitra and Himanshu.' She reminded him. Rishabh shook his head and Aashi frowned.

'Really? You came here for gossip?' He said in disbelieve.

Aashi frowned, she was so excited to share this news with him and instead got this reaction.

NEVER LET ME GO ✔️ (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ