Chapter 17~ The Farewell Party

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Aashi, Suchitra and Kajal came out of the class discussing the question paper of their last exam. It was easy one, at least for the trio. They looked around, few people looked happy, some content and some upset. As they walked, Aashi's gaze met Rishabh's who stood with his gang of boys. Both looked away at the same time, and as Aashi walked away she didn't bother turning around to look at him.

'OMG, Guys!' Kajal stopped by the notice board. She excitedly called Aashi and Suchitra towards her. Both passed a curious glance at each other and walked towards the board.

'Our Juniors are throwing a farewell for us, we should go.' Kajal said excitedly.

Suchitra nodded instantly, - 'It will be fun.'

Aashi was the only one looking skeptical, so Kajal smiled and held her hand, - 'Don't worry about taking dates, we three will be dates of each other.' She said brightly. Hearing her, Aashi and Suchitra began laughing, Kajal first looked clueless and then joined in the laughter.


That weekend, Farewell night

'How am I looking, Ma, Papa?' Aashi asked brightly. Her father looked up from a Novel and her mother came from inside the kitchen.

'Wow.' Both said in unison.

Aashi looked stunning in a black halter neck dress reaching her knees, her hair black wavy hair open and resting on her left shoulder. She smiled at her parents while they admired their daughter.

'My beta is looking like a Pari and look Dinesh, she has also worn a lipstick.' Mrs. Verma said with pride. Aashi blushed.

Mr. Verma smiled and walked up to her, - 'My daughter will be the best looking one there.' He said. Aashi knew there will be more pretty girls than her, especially Laila, but then she pushed back the thought, at least for the ones who cares and loves her truly thinks she is pretty and that is all she cares about.

Mr. Verma dropped Aashi to the College, on the way he irritated her asking why Rishabh didn't come to pick her up and if he is okay. Aashi chose to answer those questions in syllables giving her father hints that she doesn't want to answer them.

'Suchitra, Kajal.' Aashi greeted the two, they had come before her. The three girls hugged each other. Kajal also felt emotional stating that she is going to miss them.

'In the age of technology you are saying like this.' Aashi teased her. Suchitra and she did a hi-fi. Kajal also smiled.


'And here comes the hottest couple of our year.' A loud booming voice silenced everyone, and a spotlight fell on Rishabh and Laila. Aashi looked at them, her smile faded. Rishabh is looking smart in a black Tuxedo and Laila is looking stunning in noodle strapped gold shimmering mid-thigh dress, her long lustrous hair open, she had applied tones of makeup though considering her flawless skin and perfect feature she didn't need it. Laila had wrapped her arm tightly around Rishabh's. She beamed at everyone, Rishabh's smile looked like it was forced. The way Laila was flaunting Rishabh to everyone, it looked like he was her prized possession, her pet. Aashi smiled sarcastically, indeed that is what Rishabh has become, her pet.

'They look amazing together.' Kajal said mindlessly, she then bit her tongue looking at Aashi.

'And looks can be deceiving.' Suchitra added smoothly. Kajal looked at her gratefully.

'True.' Aashi said looking at Rishabh, his expressions said it all....


Precap: As Aashi walked towards the washroom, she heard some commotion. She approached towards the sound cautiously. She hid behind a wall when she saw two figures, squinting her eyes she is shocked to see Laila and Prakash, they are talking something. Aashi strained her ear to hear what they were talking.

Prakash held Laila's hand and she jerked his hand furiously.

'Leave my hand.' She said harshly

'But why, Laila? Why did you dump me?' He pleaded.

Aashi quickly took out her phone and secretly began to record this. She hopes she gets a prove against Laila and then it is game over for her.

'Dump you? I wasn't even with you, it was a desperate measure for desperate times.' She said folding her arm. Aashi smirked.


'Yes, that Stupid Rishabh was a tough nut, very tough nut and you were my only ticket to be with him. Like I wanted, he got jealous seeing us together. Male egos (scoff) First he liked when I was running behind him but when I began dating you, he got jealous and Voila, he came running to me, just like how I wanted.' Laila confessed with pride.

' Laila confessed with pride

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