Chapter 55~ The Match

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The girls walked with Mrs. Anand to the seats. Suchitra kept glancing back at Aashi but she held her shoulders and kept blinking at her. There they met few other aunties, Himanshu's maternal and paternal aunts and his grandparents, both maternal and paternal. Wow! Himanshu's family was huge. The Uncles are going to play in the fields. Aashi felt bad for Suchitra's back as she kept bending and taking blessings from everyone. The girls were again eyed strangely for their dressing sense by everyone.

The girls sat in their seats, Suchitra sat in the middle. She kept glancing at Aashi, and now this was getting annoying. Aashi purposefully ignored her and focused on the field. She felt excited as the men walked on the field. Her gaze fixed on Rishabh, in blue Tee and white shorts. Aashi smiled, she reminisced the old days when a teen Rishabh used to play on the field and she used to get him water in the halftime. She sighed looking at now an adult Rishabh.

Soon, the game began. Aashi watched holding her breath. Rishabh wasn't in form, it has been years since he left playing. Every time, he messed up Aashi felt bad. She sat at the edge of her seat throughout the match.


Aashi jumped from her seat as soon as halftime was announced.

'Where are you going?' Suchitra asked surprised.

'Two minutes.' Aashi gestured her with her fingers and turned around. Suchitra fell back in her chair but soon got engaged talking to her would-be-mother in law.

Aashi climbed the stairs and reached the end, there was a water cooler. She filled a water bottle, that she had gotten, with some cold water.

Rishabh sat on the ground, he was huffing badly. Aashi felt bad seeing his dejected face. He exhaled loudly and shook his head as he ruffled his hair.

'Here.' Aashi forwarded him the glass and he looked up. She noted that he was very sweaty by now.

'Thanks.' He breathed and took the water bottle from her. She watched him drink and then sat beside him on the ground. He looked at her startled.

'Why are you sitting here? The ground is hot.' He said. Aashi simply smiled, all the while admiring him. Thanks to the game and the scorching sun Rishabh was very sweaty, his wet hair stuck to his forehead and droplets of sweat trickle down his forehead, face and neck. Aashi observed him closely. How much he has matured? He has become much handsome, or perhaps before she hadn't paid attention to how good looking he was. It's so strange that she is madly in love with him even after ages, yet she hadn't noticed his looks. Perhaps, her love is more than just physical attraction. It is something very different and special.

Aashi looked away.

'I can't do this.' Rishabh said shaking his head. Aashi frowned at him.

'What are you blabbering? This is football, football. This is your forte.' -She sighed rolling her eyes, - 'Dude, what is wrong with you?' She spoke with her hands on her hips.

'That was years ago, Aashi. I have lost the touch.' He said, he sounded very depressed.

'You Idiot,' – she slapped his arm and he looked startled at her, - 'Dude, you haven't lost anything. Just lost the touch. I am sure,' – She held his shoulder, - 'You can do this.'

Rishabh shook his head looking away.

'Why are you doing all this, Aashi?' He asked and looked at her. She smiled sadly and looked up into his eyes.

'Because I want my friend back.' She said seriously and Rishabh's expressions changed.

'I am doing this because I want the old Rishabh, my Rishabh back.' She held his gaze confidently. He gulped while looking at her, into her eyes. They kept staring until they were interrupted by Himanshu. They looked up and he announced the halftime was over. Rishabh stood up and gave his hand to Aashi, she smiled and held his hand. He smiled back. He pulled her up and she stood up.

'Thanks.' She said, he nodded. She then wished them luck and walked away, happily.

Before the game began, Rishabh looked at the audience. Even though there was hardly any crowd, Aashi waved her hand. She wanted to make sure he noticed her. She gave thumbs-up and he nodded in response. Just like old days. Aashi blinked her eyes when she noticed he smiled, a small smile. She was confident he will do very good now. After all, his lucky charm was sitting in the audience.

During the game, Rishabh was more confident and little aggressive. He had transformed back into the old Rishabh. Like before, he was completely lost in the game. Aashi felt proud, still, she kept her fingers crossed. Suchitra looked at her, the two girls passed a smile. Aashi watched the rest of the game with a broad smile. The match ended with Rishabh's team winning.

'Yaay!' Both the girls jumped with happiness. They hugged each other and kept cheering. The Aunties looked at them weirdly. They separated and hurriedly climbed down. Suchitra wanted to hug Himanshu but stopped thinking she might offend his family. But to her surprise, Himanshu hugged her. Aashi hugged Rishabh, throwing her arms around his neck, she clung to him tightly. Her legs dangling off the ground.

'I am so happy.' She whispered. Rishabh smiled.

'But I am sweating like a pig.' He whispered.

'I don't care.' Aashi replied softly. She smiled as she felt his arms wrap around her waist and he pulled her closer. 


OMG!!! Aashi and Rishabh are love, aren't they? Are you guys in love with them *_* I so am *dreamy eyes*

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