Chapter 3: Torture

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In the air - Fire Temple

A hard, sharp crack echoed throughout the room. It reverberated off every surface, consuming the dreading ears of each figure in the vicinity to hear it.

It came again.

And again.

Then a soft clattering.

Hands clenched with spindles of rope looped around his wrists, drawing his arms up vertical as the thick rope twined around the large poles on either side of him; he stared at the Fire Lord in disgust, waiting patiently for him to make a move. His chest heaved in and out as his laboured breaths grew and anticipation set in.

Muscles and several scars wound around his shoulders, arms and torso as sweat shone from his chest, reflecting light from the brilliant flames surrounding him. Opposite him, the Fire Lord clicked his tongue in annoyance as guards came up, conversing with him before rushing away to do who-knows-what. 

The great crack echoed around the room once more, and a masked man strode forth, a whip firmly in hand. He stroked the whip, adjusted it again, then nodded at his king in confirmation. "We're good to go."

An eye-roll from Thorn. "Finally! I was beginning to think the anticipation would kill me." A sigh. "How come my sarcastic remarks and jokes never lighten the mood? This just isn't fair..."

The Fire Lord crossed his arms, an eyebrow raise following. "Because you're really not funny in the slightest."

"Well, I suppose when you're in a dungeon filled with torturing implements, about to torture a guy, people don't tend to see the funny side of things."

Eyes widened as realisation crossed the king's face. "Stop that."

"Actually, when you think about it, maybe the reason people don't enjoy humour in circumstances like these, correlates with the fact that they're about to get hurt."

He lowered his arms. "I said stop!"

"Hey, I have a little question, does hurting me make you feel better? Do you feel more achieved in your 'life's goals'?"


"Does my screaming heal your ears? Do you get pleasure out of doing this too?"

"Stop quoting me!"

"Because, I've been wondering, why are you continually doing this to me?"

A fragment silence. 

Then the Fire Lord finally spoke, "Don't you turn this around on me. Don't you dare make me the villain here. You know perfectly well why I'm being forced to do this to you - no less than you deserve - so, the only way you're getting out of this is telling me what I need to know."

Thorn shut his mouth, staring at his opposite in defiant arrogance. 

And, in an instant, the Fire Lord's whole demeanour changed as each of his words dripped with poison. "Thorn, Thorn, Thorn." A smile widening his eyes. "It's time. Let's see if your screams are loud enough to reach Eliza." He began walking forward. "Who knows, it might give her motivation to try and rescue you, however, how anyone could get that much motivation to rescue... you... is a wonder I'm not exploring." 

He leaned forward, an inch from Thorn's face. "So, now you hold your tongue... Of course." A pause, then a cocked head. "What? Not going to make a perky comment?"

A vein twitched on Thorn's head. 

"No words?"

His eyes sparked.

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