Chapter 30: Preparation and Annoyance

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*Note: This chapter was originally going to be two and, as such, the two parts have two different feelings. Therefore, there are two different orchestral songs for each. Each song is placed within the chapter, not at the start. :) Please enjoy!

Fire Temple

The door knob to the common area started turning as the Fire Lord conversed with a guard behind him, annoyed.

"But, my lord!" The guard pleaded again.

"No. Absolutely not." The Fire Lord speared his flaming eyes into the guard's skull. "I'm going to check on the children and then I'm going to check on Thorn. No ifs. No buts."

"But the letter said- "

"I SAID NO!" The Fire Lord took his hand off the door knob to focus his full attention on the guard. "I don't care what the letter said, I don't care who sent it, I don't care if it was dire, and I don't care who I have to meet. I'm checking on my prisoners and that is final."

The guard bowed, holding out the letter for the Fire Lord to take. With a look of disgust, the Fire Lord took it, slipping it in his cloak. He glanced at the guard up and down before speaking again.

"You do realise that the way you just spoke to me could end in your death or a fate more horrible, correct?"

The guard's eyes widened as he bowed again, shakily saying, "Yes, my lord, I'm quite aware. I ask that you please spare this poor man's life."

The Fire Lord cocked his head. "I could take your life away in an instant. I decide whether you live or die." He paused before turning back to the door. "You would do well to remember that."

The guard bowed another time, thanking the Fire Lord for sparing his life before quickly hurrying away before the Fire Lord changed his mind.

The door was flung back against the wall as the Fire Lord strode in, his attention solely on the first door he could see – the one in the middle: Ebona's door.

His footsteps hastened as lightly and elegantly he crossed the room to her door. His fingers brushed the knob, turning it slightly. He stopped.

Maybe... Maybe he should...

His other hand brushed his cloak, where the letter was kept, as he thought about the contents inside. The letter was written in Eliza's handwriting, begging him to meet her this night. It explained that she wanted to discuss something important.

He had just assumed that this important thing was Thorn and therefore, had decided not to meet her. He didn't need more women telling his that what he was doing was wrong. He already knew it was wrong, it was just that... sometimes to right an evil, another evil had to be performed. He hated it. He hated doing it so much, but he had no other choice and therefore he was only left with this option. What a pain.

But then, maybe he should meet her. Maybe he should talk to her. It was what he owed her. He owed her this at least, what with all the things he had done to her – taking away Thorn, and then her children. Maybe... Maybe he should.

He took his hand off the doorknob and stepped back.

Meeting her tonight. That would mean that he wouldn't have the chance to check on the children or Thorn.

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