Chapter 61: An Intriguing Discovery

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Further along the edge of Criminal Corps (It's a large area - map will come in time)

Ragged breathing entered Benjamin's ears as the boy beside him bent in two and held up a hand. He frowned, sighing out heavily.

"Can we just stop for a second?" A hand raised to Larcens' head, the other resting on the stitch in his side. "Just take a breather or something... please? I'm dying over here."

Lucas placed a hand out, stopping Benjamin from walking further. He looked at his friend who tried desperately to avoid eye contact. A brow raised.

"Can't we just leave him behind?" Benjamin's face lit up and he smiled manipulatively. "Maybe? Please? We'll get more peace if we do...?" A grin.

However, Lucas merely looked back with an irritated sigh. "No, Benny, we're picking him up and bringing him with us."

Benjamin's lips pursed. "He can fly on an ice cloud, you know. It'd be pretty pointless carrying him when he could just fly instead."

"I said 'no'." He stared his friend down. "And when I say 'no', I mean no. He obviously doesn't have enough energy to use his ability at the moment, and it would be so much quicker just to carry him. I don't want to spend any longer than I have to in this wilderness of ice and dangers – I do miss the comforts of a nice room and a warm bed."

Benjamin blinked a few times. "We don't necessarily need a warm bed, you know. This is nothing compared to my years on the street, so you're the only uncomfortable one here."

From behind them, Larcens raised a hand. "Actually, I'd like a warm bed."

"Shut up, Larcens, no one asked you."

Lucas sighed, turning his friend around and pushing him towards Larcens. "Your turn to carry him, I carried him last time."

Benjamin whipped around. "I'm not carrying him. No way. You think this" – he gestured up and down his body – "can take the weight of that" – he indicated Larcens' slumped, groaning form and raised his brows. "Do you see how this is not happening?"

A tight-lipped mouth responded, arms folded and stance wide. "We are not going over this again, it's your turn so just suck it up and do it."

Copying his friend's stance, Benjamin glared at him. "Oh, I'm not going down without a fight. And you remember the last time we fought..." His leg shifted to the side and his back straightened as he raised his hands, forming them into a ball as a soft blue-white glow stared in the centre of them.

Raising an eyebrow, Lucas bent his knees, hands out to the side as a harsh wind began to form. "Yeah, I beat you senseless."

"No, I'm pretty sure I immobilised you with my ability before you could launch a single attack on me."

"That was the time before."

He nodded, grinning. "That makes sense."

Two immense forces brewed against each other as white and pink stood elegant and powerful against the dominant blue and black, forming a cloud of tension between that swept and danced through the air, eagerly awaiting the winning side. Their eyes sparking, hair flying out behind them as ice entered Lucas' side and curled around Benjamin's side. Pale sparks flew through the air, batting against one another as both raised their hands high, readying to bring the full force of their abilities down on one another.

A cough echoed behind them.

Then a voice. "Boys behave yourselves. Jared has something to say."

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