Chapter 49: Alphas and Annoyance

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Fire: Northern State's Individual State Base

A loud purr filled the air as the sky vessel's engine slowed down to set itself down on a mountainous volcano. The air filled with dirt and smoke, ash falling and fire brimming around.

As the Fire Lord stepped out of the transport onto the hot surface below, he bent over in a fit of coughing. Smoke and dirt flew into him, his body heaving as it attempted to rid itself of the filth.

He stumbled across the ground, pulling himself forward and pushing himself up. His back straightened and his neck lengthened – a dignified walk where the Fire Lord reached his full height.

As he traversed across the rocks and dirt, alone and yet not fearful in the slightest, several shadows began making their way out of the cloudy fog. Their pattered, almost silent footsteps surrounded him and he was enveloped in a circle of murderous intensity glares. Murmurs echoed through the group, footsteps closing in, yet he stood tall, seemingly unaware of their presence.

In a sudden lurch, knives flung through the air, accompanied with bursts of flame, blue, red and gold. A long blade cut into the Fire Lord's neck, as his clothes brushed softly to and fro in the breeze and he stopped. Not a flinch accompanied his halt, and only a sigh followed.

Digging in his clothes, he pulled out a letter in an enclosed envelope – one that he'd received on his journey to this place. "See here? I already sent a request forward and received a reply from your lord agreeing to meet. He said we were meeting here, the State Base. I came alone, as agreed." Opening it, he swiftly pulled out the letter, holding it up for all to see. "If you don't believe me, feel free to look for yourself." A red and green seal permeated the letter, easily visible.

With a nod from one of the shadows, the group stood down, placing their blades beside them and removing masks from their faces.

The Fire Lord cocked his head, raising an eyebrow. "And, you're just going to believe I came alone?"

The previous shadow spoke up, voice low and commanding. "We already checked, your highness, and you speak the truth."

He scoffed. "Yeah, right. Of course, you checked."

Now it was the shadow's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Weren't you frightened when we surrounded and attacked you with knives and swords? We could have easily killed you."

A roll of the eyes. "I came in peace, by myself. You had no motive to kill me then and there, Jade, especially since it wouldn't benefit you in the slightest." A pause. "By the way, why are you parading around with your assassins? I thought you were supposed to be taking care of this filthy place."

An annoyed, spiteful tone entered the man's voice. "I am taking care of it, majesty, you're just landed in the dirt zone." And then, true to character, an added-on quip. "Although, honestly, anywhere you walk becomes a dirt zone. It's just the aura that surrounds you, I think."

Ignoring the comment, the Fire Lord continued, "Then can we maybe speak in a place that feels a little less like a bacteria spawn -" he sniffed "- and smells a little less like a waste pit."

The man walked away with less than an acknowledgement that his 'king' was following, which he succinctly did. Assassins disappeared from behind them as the two broke through the cloud of dirt and smoke to overlook a luxurious city. High buildings filled the air, almost reaching the top of the hill they stood on.

With a step, the man jumped off the hill, sailing through the sky for a second before flames enveloped him and he disappeared, only to reappear at the bottom, hands in pockets. Calmly walking, he arrived at a wide building, looking up at the Fire Lord before disappearing inside.

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