Chapter 71: Desolater's Clearing - III

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His chest hurt. The pounding was so loud. His throat hurt. The breath was so sharp. His muscles burnt. Everything burnt.

"Lucas, can we rest for a bit?"

Lucas led them, back straight, eyes continuously searching for the best path to take. Occasionally, he would glance down, scanning the hastily drawn map that Larcens had scrawled on bark.

"Please, Lucas... We've been walking for thirteen whole hours today without break. Add onto that yesterday. It's dark. I'm tired. We're all tired. We just need to rest."

He glanced back, focusing on Larcens with hazy eyes. He cleared his throat, speaking for the first time in several hours. "If your legs are tired, use your ability to hoist yourself forward."

Larcens' eyes fluttered as he coughed, bending forward for a second. "That's not it... I mean, that is it, but the issue is, I've been using my ability for too long. I need sleep to recuperate, otherwise I'm going to collapse." He faltered, stopping in his tracks. "I have never used my ability this long before. It was a stretch five hours ago."

Lucas glanced at the ice platform Geoira was laying on. "You're not using much of your ability at all. What's the issue?"

Groaning, Larcens knelt, clutching his chest. "I know I'm a soldier. I know I've been trained for endurance. I know my ability is strong... But I'm only nineteen. There's only so much I can do." Another cough.

Lucas sighed, bending down and gently setting Benjamin on the ground. Another groan as he cracked his neck and rubbed it. "Let the Fire girl down gently, I'll get Ben to help."

Benjamin breathed softly as Larcens sat down and clutched his head, lowering Geoira in staggered drops towards the ground. Lucas reached forward instinctively, alertness snapping into his face. But Larcens managed to set her down without too much more drama. Another few seconds and he was passed out, cold to the world around him. A soft snore emanated from his mouth.

Tapping Benjamin on the side of the head, Lucas looked down. "Come on. Wakey wakey. I need your help."


Another groan. Lucas tangled a hand through Benjamin's hair, holding his head down as he touched his other hand to Benjamin's neck.

Eyes flashing open, Benjamin's breathing quickened and he jerked against Lucas' hands. A wince. "Ow..."

"Good." Lucas stood, offering a hand to help Benjamin up, "I need your help."

Moving his jaw around and cracking his back, Benjamin glanced around at Larcens. "How long have I been out."

"Two hours."

"Okay- Wait, two hours? I thought we agreed on three!"

"Yeah, well, something came up." Larcens pursed his lips. "Did you know Larcens was nineteen? I thought he was older than you... Or younger... You know, it makes a lot more sense now..."

"No... He told us his age. Remember?"

Lucas shrugged, blinking several times and rubbing his neck. "I mustn't have been paying attention... Or just forgot... I don't know..." He looked back a Benjamin, flashing a tired smile. "Can you help me out?" He gestured to the two unconscious people before them. "My back is really starting to hurt."

Benjamin sighed, raising his hands. "Yeah, no problem. Can you bring me some ice?"

"Sure." Lucas raised a hand and concentrated, as huge chunks of ice and snow came hurtling their way, gathering in a cloud to plummet on top of them.

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