Chapter 66: Healing Touch - I

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Surface - close to an exit from Criminal Corps

[Smiling, Jared moved forward, searching down the side of her. "Lucky for you, residents of Fire have to carry an identification card with them whenever they cross borders, meaning that if she was in an air vehicle, she should..." He pulled out a small card, turning it around and staring at it. 

Over his shoulder, Larcens began reading it aloud. "Geoira, twenty-five, head army commander of Fire Capital, access to all Council States with permission and partial access to Individual States on Fire Lord's order and State permission." He looked up and grimaced. "Head army commander of Fire? Is it really appropriate to help her with the upcoming war and everything?"]

Jared dropped his arms, throwing the card into the dirt as a soft smile arose in his face. "Of course. She's someone in need and someone we must help, no matter which side she may belong to."

Frowning, Larcens glanced to the fallen card. "I don't think this is a good idea..."

Jared sighed. "You need to consider all life, big or small. If someone's dying and we have the ability to help them, shouldn't we at least try? It'd be morally corrupt to just walk by and let them die. Besides," he scratched the side of his head, grinning. "If we help someone from Fire, maybe they'd consider another peace agreement or something...?"

Crossing his arms, Larcens nodded towards the unconscious woman. "She was shot down travelling between States, wasn't she? That means that Fire must have wanted her dead. If we help her, doesn't that mean Fire will have more reason to wage war against us? For meddling in their affairs? 'Cause it is their business, not ours. If they want to save the woman, then they would just save her themselves."

Matching Larcens' stance, Jared gestured widely towards the woman before looking pointedly at Larcens and indicated towards the land far above. "What if they didn't know? She was crossing the States through the air."

"Yes, and didn't we just read that she's a head army commander? Wouldn't they have noticed by now if one of their prime battle directors just went missing?"

"What if something's happening at the moment that's stopping them from searching for her? Or realising she's missing?"

Rolling his eyes, Larcens pursed his lips. "Look, I'm no Bob, but the percentage for that being the case must well underwhelm the chances that this could inspire a further hatred against us. Are you willing to deal with those odds?"

Jared turned to Lucas and Benjamin. "Well, what do you think?"

Benjamin shrugged. "I don't care. Do whatever you want."

Lucas held up a hand, stopping any further remarks. "We'll go with whatever Ceecee decides." He turned to Ceecee, awaiting a decision.

Wide eyes flung in Ceecee's direction as Jared silently pleaded with her.

She smiled. "I'm all up for a bit of unorthodox fun! Sure, let's heal her!"

Lucas grimaced. "It's not as simple as that... But, for the moment, I think the best thing would be to cut off the metal chunk poking out of her arm and bandage the wound. Honestly, I would prefer not to remove it unless we have to – it'll be harder to deal with. At the moment though..." He paused, staring at her firmly closed eyes and the retreating pink in her skin. "...I think we have more important things to worry about... Ben, can you check her head for me?"

"Sure." Benjamin walked around him, manoeuvring around raised piece of intricately designed rock to stand behind her head. Gently, he spread his hands around the sides of her head, spreading pressure on her skull before crouching down and lifting it slightly to peer at the fabric beneath her. He grimaced, moving it around slightly before nodding and delicately replacing the head in its position. "We have a few speckles of blood. Not a gush so not overly serious. That said, I'm guessing she has a concussion and who knows what else. She probably won't be waking up for a while."

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