Chapter 25: The Strange Introduction

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Fire Temple

Rav sat on his beautiful bed and stared at the ceiling. 

Time was going by, it was now about a day and a half, maybe two days since they were shut in this fancy prison, and he had seen his father a total of three times.

He had seen his brother and sister about four times since they were shut in here and they had all agreed to ask for their father as much as possible.

He remembered the second time he had come out to meet them and they'd asked for their father. That, he had to say, had been their first actual reunion with their father, and that one had been good.

They all had agreed not to speak about escaping whilst they were kept in here, so as to not risk not being able to see their father. But still... Rav had a few plans. So far, he had discounted all but one of them, and that last one left was unlikely to work as he needed to converse with his siblings for it to work.

He remembered as he came out of that room all three times in the same clothes that they had worn when getting thrown in here. He had never bothered to change, and his sister and brother had reacted greatly on it.

His brother had come out in a long leather jacket that brushed his knees and enveloped his frame, a suit shirt and tie was visible beneath it and his pants were made of a material that appeared like a mixture between leather and the same material his shirt was made of.

He didn't even want to think about what his sister was wearing, but all could be said was that Fire had beautiful clothes. He did, however, remember her reaction as she saw him.

"Rav?!?" Her face was in a state of unbelief and shock. "You STILL haven't changed?!? Come on! I knew you were forgetful and you're always off in your own world, but really?!?"

Alec had then started berating him. "I got changed into nice clothes, yet you're still in your old stinky ones. Get rid of the dirty clothes, they have fresh clothes here that, may I just say, are tailored beautifully and yet are probably the most comfortable clothes I've ever been in. Look, I know they have a lot of layers, but the material is made in such a way that I don't feel hot here at all. You must be boiling in those clothes. Come on! We changed, so you can change too..." Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Rav smiled. I may as well get changed, so I don't have to deal with their scolding next time I see them.

He walked to the closet and opened the doors. Wow. There were a lot of clothes.

Every item inside was beautiful, made with the finest threads, and all were hung up. Rav picked up a leather coat embedded with silver (metal!) and gold (real gold!). Everything was interwoven, and Rav could instantly tell that if he put it on, it would hide none of his figure.

Lifting his eyes and discarding the cloak, as it was too beautiful and impractical, he scanned the rest of the clothes. There was gold and black, and more gold, and even more black, and red, lots of red. There was white too, lots of white. He rolled his eyes and sighed. Wow, these Fire people go overboard.

He flicked through one garment at a time, until he had gotten to the end and seen the most practical thing in there: a black, bound, collared, leather top that went to his hands and his jaw, and matching, black, leather pants.

He ripped off the clothes he had on, and started pulling on the clothes in his hands, all the while searching for a belt to do up the pants. Eventually, he found a draw that looked like a place where a belt was kept. Shrugging, he opened it and pulled out the first thing he saw; it was another leather item, a black belt that seemed like a match for his other garments.

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