Chapter 58: Pink and Blue

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On the border between the Criminal Corps and Pale Glass

["So, you've got me curious. What's the story behind the..." his finger circled his eyes, "you know, the eyes...?"]

Benjamin stared at him, silent and blinking.

Lucas looked at his friend, amusement sparking in his eyes.

Finally, Benjamin placed his hands back in his pockets, and opened his mouth. "I'm an albino, I thought that was obvious."

Larcens nodded slowly. "Right... What's an albino? And is that why your hair's pink?"

Once again, he blinked several times. Then, a sigh. "Basically, I was born like this," he gestured down and up his body, "all the paleness everywhere is because of the way I was born. My hair's just dyed."

His opposite nodded, placing his hands behind his back and quickening his steps. "Kay, I thought you dyed your hair when I first met you guys, so I was correct in that sense at least. But seriously," he bit his lip, "you were born like that?"

Benjamin jutted his chin forward and gritted his teeth, hands moving forward with him. "Yes!"

Larcens frowned. "So, what's your actual hair colour?"

Benjamin sighed, annoyance flaring within him and apparent in each movement. "White. Obviously."


"Yes, really!" His hands curled into fists and he quickly crossed his arms. "What did you think was the case!?"

Larcens smiled guiltily. "Honestly, I thought you had covered your skin in white powder or something, worn some sort of thing across your eyes to make them look like that," – he gestured to the young man's eyes – "and dyed your eyebrows and eyelashes... But your telling me all your hair is white? All over your body? Everywhere?"

Pink bloomed underneath his ivory skin as he took a deep breath before he answered. "Yes."

Lucas, still staring at him, amused as he watched the exchange, smiled. "It's at these times that I enjoy being an observer."

Turning to the taller friend, Larcens grinned at him. "What about you? What's with the bluey stuff on the white of your eye?"

Lucas smiled at him, appearing placated and yet sarcasm dripped from his voice. "I really appreciate you making it seem a hundred times more disgusting than it is, Larcens."

Frantically waving his hands and impersonating Jared, Larcens attempted desperately to reason with him. "Nonononono, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry! I just-"

A sigh followed as Lucas shook his head. "Don't worry, I understand what you mean." He smiled softly. "I have blue sclera in my right eye."

Still confused, Larcens looked to the side, eyes flicking around before he looked back, unsure of how to approach his burning question without placing offence on the receiver of his words. "So... Is that good? Bad? Is it dangerous? Are you affected in any way by it? Like, does it do something to your health or...?"

Lucas swallowed, glancing at his friend. "Well, I haven't discovered any other part of me it affects physically. But, you know, I was born with it so... Honestly, I have no idea as to whether it's a good or bad thing, it's just a thing that I've grown up with, that's a part of me." He paused. "That said, both Benjamin and I faced a fair amount of... um, how do I put this lightly? ...We faced some negativity from the people around us, from everyone and, you know, it was a little hard... But we pulled through it alright. Right, Benny?"

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