A new dream

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When I was younger I always wanted to become a foreign correspondent. After the campaign trail I couldn't find a job in the newspaper industry not for want or trying. I don't regret going on the trail as it helped me become close to the Obama family.

After the trail I joined the military where I excelled. I did several tours with Tristan by my side. We became very close once we ran into each other in the middle of the desert.

I quickly worked my way up the chain of command. At some point I managed to out rank Tristan. Now I was in charge of my own unit, I was amazed at how much I loved to serve my country. This is where I belonged, this was my true destiny.

I have accomplished a lot over the years, I joined the military and became a seal. I maybe only 29 but I have accomplished so much that I am proud of. I am pulled out of my thoughts when my best friend walked into the room.

"Hey Mare. You ready?" He asks. Tristan was my second in my command, we are a 7 person team. We work together well and have become family to each other.

"Ready and prepared as always."  I say
with a smirk, I make my way out and we meet the guys in the armory. We suit up and get our gear packed away.

"Ready boys?"I ask.

"Yes ma'am" They all say.

"I told you don't call me ma'am. You should know better boys." I say with a laugh and we make our way to the SUV. We head to the airstrip and get on the plane it takes off shortly after.

"Ok boys, let's get briefed." I say. We all get briefed on our mission and talk about what needs to be done.

"Hayden?" My Captain says.

"Yes sir" I say and salute him.

" Good luck out there. " he says, I nod and make my way over to the guys.

"Let's get ready." I say, we put our gear on and arm ourselves. Soon enough we're off the plane. Our mission is to save some soldiers that have been taken hostage.

"Austin, Ben your both with me and the rest of you with Tristan. Watch your backs." I say. We sweep each room clearing them as we go. We're on the top floor.

"Tris your ready?" I asked.

" Say the word and I'll be in." Tristan says.

"Now" I say, we both make our presence known. We take them out and rescue the hostages. Tristan and I are the only ones left in the room apart from one other hostage that is tied up. The other men are securing and checking the hostages in another room.

Before I can get the last hostage free a secret doorway opens up and unidentified men come barging in.

" Austin, Ben up here now. We got hostiles." I yell into our comms. Tristan and I do what we can. One man goes towards the only hostage left in the room and I make my way towards them and take the guy out as I do that another one shoots me.

"Mare" Tristan screams. Shortly after Tristan is kneeling before me with the last hostage, Austin and Ben.

"Austin check her wound" Tristan ordered as I lay there trying not to move. I get checked over.

"She's losing a lot of blood we need to move, and now!" Austin says. Tristan scoops me up and carries me out to our transport and soon enough we're back on the plane and I'm being tended to.

"Mare you'll be alright." Tristan says to me reassuringly and  I smile at him even through the searing pain.

"I'd like you to meet the man you saved." Ben says as the plane takes off on our way to our closest in between safe haven.

"My names Nate Morgan." He says and I'm completely shocked. Can he be related to Finn? Can't be can it?

A new worldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ