Get out

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Rory's POV

We turn to the person who yelled "What." I smirk at him.

"Logan." Steph says calmly and glaring menacingly at him.

"Why would you do this?" Logan asked angrily.

"Seriously Logan? You kiss my fiancé and make a move on her and expect Steph to sit there and take it." Colin says angrily.

"Mate you never deserved Rory or Steph. You were lucky that you had either one of them." Finn says angrily.

"You treated them like crap and walked all over them." Robert says pissed off.

"Even we heard about what you did to Rory. That was low man." Tris says glaring at Logan.

I stand up and make my way to Logan. "You need to leave my house. Don't come back until we say you can. You came into our home and disrespected my fiancé and I. You made a move on me a unwanted move might I add. Like I told you before I got over you a long time ago. All the woman in this room is not like all the conquest you've had. I have gotten a lot  closer to all of them and they do not and I repeat do not deserve what you called them." I yell angrily glaring at him.

"What did he say?" They all yell angrily.

"That we are nothing but gold digging whores. We all pretend to be someone we aren't. That I am pretending to be the best and that I am nothing but another good lay. That our men don't really love us. They just use us for a lay and to get their needs met." I say pissed off beyond belief.

"You disrespect my sister my wife and friends. Who the hell do you think you are?" Tris says angrily.

Austin and Shane has to hold Tristan back before he knocks Logan out.

"How are they gold digging whores? They are all heiress to their families." Robert says angrily.

"If It wasn't for Rory I wouldn't be here. My sister should have never married you. I knew she was to good for you." Mark sneers at him.

"My fiancé and all these woman are so much better than you. They don't drop their panties and melt and swoon at your feet." Colin says pissed off.

"These woman have a mind of their own and they use it. Your just like your father." Nate snaps at him.

"We've been friends for a long time. Your choosing them over me?" Logan asked pissed beyond belief.

"They don't deserve what you said. We'll be sticking by them. Get the stick out of your ass and grow the hell up." Robert says angrily.

"Now leave my house." Colin snaps at him. Logan angrily walks out the door and slams it.

"Now I see why you wanted to kill him." Robert says laughing.

"It would have been fun to see her take him down." Steph says laughing.

"I can't believe that he said that about us." Sarah said with tears.

"I'm used to it." I say nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by that love?" Finn asked perplexed. I look at Colin and he nods his head. I sigh.

"What did logan tell you about when he proposed to me?" I asked with a eyebrow raised.

"That you broke up with him." Steph said.

"That you didn't want to marry him." Robert adds. I laugh and shake my head.

"He wishes it was like that." Tristan mutters under his breath but I heard him and I smirk at him.

"He gave me a ultimatum. It was now or never. I said never. He said I was using him for his name and I would regret that I turned him down." I say.

"What an ass." Finn says annoyed at Logan's actions.

"I can't believe he lied to us." Steph says. I laugh.

"It's not the first time." I say laughing.

"When they were on a break, Logan said they broke up and they never did. They were on a break not broken up. And he contently slept with all of his sisters bridesmaids." Colin says pissed at Logan for hurting Rory.

"Wow." Juliet said shocked.

"I can't believe him." Finn says.

"Worthless." Robert says.

"Thought he could have his cake and eat it to." Steph says sadly.

I see the look in her eye and I can tell he's hurt her more than any of us thought. I'm going to have to talk to her privately. I feel so bad for her but I will help her out anyway that I can.

"Did he ever tell you about what happened at his parents house? The night he took Ror there?" Tris asked the group.

"Yeah." Finn says.

"He said it went smoothly. Which is surprising." Rosemary says and I scoff.

"What?" Robert asked.

"That's not what happened." I say.

"What did happen?" Nate asked.

"Well during drinks his mom called me a gold digging whore. During dinner 'she wants to works she's not good enough to be a Huntzberger. What about that lovely Fallon girl' than Mitchum and his stupid internship." I say towards the end sounding like Shira.

"Oh my god that was a remarkable Shira impression." Steph says through laughter.

"I can't believe they said that about you." Mark said shocked.

"I bet if they knew she was a Hayden they wouldn't say that." Tris says.

"Doesn't matter. Logan changed while he was in London." I say shaking my head.

We all talked and decided to have a movie night to cheer Steph up. I knew what it was like to get burned by Logan Huntzberger.

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