I do

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Rory's POV

The last few weeks have flown by and today is the day I marry the love of my life. My wedding day.

I can't stop smiling I'm just so happy. I just got out of the shower and have my robe on when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say.

"I come barring a gift from your soon to be husband." Steph says excitedly.

I grab the bag as she hands it to me and open it up and I grab the note that was held within.

My dearest love

This used to be my mother's. She wore it on her wedding day. She told me to give it to the woman I love with everything I have. My mother would've loved you. Your both a lot alike. I love you forever and always.

Your soon to be husband

I shed a few tears. "What is it?" Steph asked curiously. I hand her the note. She tears up as well as does mom.

I open the satchel. It's the most beautiful bracelet I've ever seen. It was two bracelets intertwined with diamonds and a heart in the middle. Inside the satchel is another note.

To my sons bride to be

This bracelet goes back several generations and now it has been passed to you. You must be one hell of a woman to capture my sons heart. He's always been a picky child. I always hoped he would find love like I had. As you are opening this my wish has come true. Take care of him love him each day of your lives. Be happy.

Love your mother in law

"It's a note from Colin's mom." I say tearing up. I'm touched. I wonder if Colin knew about this.

We all wipe our tears away and get our hair and make up done. Mom and Steph help me into my dress and veil. Now I'm getting butterflies in my stomach.

I can't wait for my future with Colin. We all head to the garden to walk down the aisle.

Dad comes up to me and loops his arm through mine. "I'm so happy for you princess." He says his voice laced thick with unshed tears.

"Thanks for being my dad after everything. You truly are a dad to me. I love you." I say as my eyes start tearing up.

We hear the music and it's my cue to walk down the aisle. We make our way to Colin and I can see him tearing up as well as Finn.

We reach Colin and the preacher asks who gives this bride away. "We do" My parents say. My Dad lifts my vail and kisses my cheek and places my hand in Colin's.

As we stand in front of each other smiling. "Now the bride has her vows to say." The preacher says.

"I've been through so much in my life. I never thought I would find my true love. A man that makes me smile no matter what mood I'm in. A man who knows my needs before I know them myself. A man I would give my life for. Your the love of my life my soulmate my everything." I say through tears.

"Rory I've been in love with you since college. I never thought I would get a chance. Then that faithful day you came back into my life. I would give you the world but I know you would just be happy with movies junk food and coffee." Colin starts and people start laughing.

"Your a one in a million woman. Having you in my life has brought me so much joy. I never thought I could be this happy. My mom always told me to find the one you would do anything for. I have found that woman in you." Colin says through tears.

We both say our I do's. "You May now kiss the bride." The preacher says.

Colin dips me and kisses me passionately. "Hey that's my move." Finn whines and then he pouts. We all crack up laughing.

Colin and I make it down the aisle. We go to our private room and wait to be announced.

"Baby I have something for you." I say with tears.

"What is it?" He asked curious.

"That satchel you gave me did you know your note wasn't the only one in there?" I asked him.

"No I didn't know." Colin says perplexed.

"Here baby." I say and pull out the note from my strapless bra. I give it to him and watch his expression change.

"It's from my mom." He said shocked and his voice was cracking. I nod with tears in my eyes.

"I can't believe she did that." He says shocked.

"How could she not do it for her son who she loves dearly." I say leaning in and kissing him softly.

We head outside before we are announced. We spent the next hour taking pictures of different poses and combinations.

After we were done we make our way outside the doors to be announced. "I now present Mr and Mrs Colin McCea." The DJ announces.

We make our way to our table and the food will be delivered very shortly. This day has been amazing and it isn't even over yet.

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