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Colin's POV

I was kneeled there next to Steph as Rory places herself in front of us again. He stabbed her again and it breaks me.

She shot him dead and unties us. She yells to get us out but before they can get to us Rory falls to her knees.

"Austin Ben now Rory needs you." Tristan yells. They start ripping her gear off.

Before anything else is done she's unconscious.

Tristan helps Ben and Austin with Rory. "She's losing to much blood." Ben says frantically trying to stay calm.

"We have to go now." Austin said seriously with a hint of panic lacing his voice.

"Is she going to be ok?" I asked concerned with sadness laced in my voice.

He looked at me and sighed. "As of right now I don't know." He says sadly with unshed tears.

We head to the airstrip immediately. Tristan's carrying Rory. "Captain we need the doctor now." Tristan yelled. They put her on a gurney.

The plane takes off within minutes of us walking on to the plane. I watched as they work on her and I'm terrified.

"She's coding. We need blood. Nurse get the blood that's her type." He yells as he works on her I can't watch this anymore I move away and sit down and just cry.

Tristan's POV

"We're heading to Germany. Call the family and let the others know." The Captain says and I nod.

I make my way to the others. "Guys were going to Germany." I say and they all look at me.

"What? Why aren't we going back to the states?" Steph asked confused.

"We can't go back stateside right now. Our best chance of Rory's survival is to go to Germany. If we don't she won't make it." Tristan says.

"It's bad enough that it doesn't look good as it is." Austin says looking at Rory and his eyes tears up.

"I need to call the family. They will meet us there." I say and walk away. I head to a private area and make the call.

He picked up on the second ring. "Tristan?" He asked.

"Sir we're headed to Germany." I say my voice cracking.

"Tristan what happened? Are you guys ok?" He asked concerned and I break down.

"Sir they used armor piercing bullets. Rory is severally injured. I don't know if she'll make it." I say through tears.

"Oh my god. Please tell me she took down that bastard?" He asked seriously his voice thick with tears and pain.

"Rory took him down. She saved Colin and Steph and it might have cost her, her own life." I say with tears.

"We're on our way." He says and hangs up.

As I'm making my way out when Mark and Nate comes up to me. "You need to give them the letters." Nate said seriously.

"Their blaming themselves. They need to know not to blame themselves." Mark says and we turn to look at them.

We can see the fear, guilt, and pain in their expressions. "Alright let's go." I say and make my way to them. I stand in front of them.

Colin's POV

I feel so guilty if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be in this position. Maybe she would have been better off without me.

Before my thoughts can get to wild I'm interrupted. "Steph Colin I have something for you." Tristan says and I look up and see the whole unit standing in front of us.

"What is it?" I asked my voice cracking.

"It's a letter from Rory." Austin says and Tristan hands us each a envelope.

I look down and it says to 'My amazing husband'. I look up at them with tears.

"Read it please." Tristan says his voice cracking. I rip the envelope open and pull out the letter and open it.

My dearest Colin

If you are reading this it means I was hurt coming to rescue you and Steph. Don't blame yourself you guys did nothing wrong. Chris would have taken anyone that I'm close to. He wanted me and he knew to get to me he had to go to someone I care about. Don't feel guilty because I got hurt. I did what I had to do to save my best friend and the love of my life. I'm so happy that we married even though it was not long before you were taken from me. You mean so much to me and I love you with all my heart. I told you in college that I liked you but you didn't know the extent of how much I liked you. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to feel bad. The reason why I said no to Logan was because I wasn't in love with him anymore. I was and still am in love with you. You have held my heart for the longest time and you always will. When Logan went away you were always there. Trying to make me feel better and along the way I fell for you. I was so terrified to tell you how I felt. So I kept it to myself. You should know that the day you were taken Logan came by. He tried to kiss me and said nows our chance and that he loves me. Tristan can show you the video. He recorded it. I knocked him out but for me it wasn't enough. Ask the guys they will fill you in on what we found out. Don't worry baby soon we'll be holding each other close and have that family we talked and dreamed about. We'll make our dream a reality. I love you always and forever.

Love always
Rory McCea

I fold up the letter and just sit there and cry.

When my tears subsided I looked at the guys. "Show me what Logan did? Tell me what you found out." I said as seriously as I could.

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