Call I'm Dreading

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Rory's POV

We landed and headed home. The guys were calling for tons of take out.

We arrived home shortly and the moment we walked in I went straight to my office. I sit at my desk and try and get the courage to call him.

Colin walks in and kneels before me and wipes my tears away. "Baby are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"I know I need to call him but the last few times he hurt us so bad." I say tearing up.

"I'm right here baby. I'll be by your side while you call him." He says affectionally.

I grab my phone and dial he picks up on the second ring.

"Logan it's me. Don't say my name or anything ok?" I asked him.

"Ok." He asked confused.

"Logan come to my place. Don't tell anyone where your going. My life could be in danger if you do." I say sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asked fear lacing his voice.

"I'll tell you when you get here." I say and we hang up.

We make our way to the living room and everyone is here. "My dear girl." Nathalie says with tears and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm ok now. Don't worry." I say to her.

"We'll always worry your family to us. Your another daughter to us." Marcus says.

"That she is Dad." Tristan says smiling.

"We're going shopping all of us girls tomorrow. We need to get you more maternity clothes and set up a nursery." Mom says and all the woman nod in agreement.

Colin helps me sit and he sits on the table and puts my feet on his lap and starts massaging my feet. "That feels good baby." I say feeling more relaxed as he massages my feet.

"Well I need you and our baby relaxed." He says softly with a smile.

"He's kicking again." I say with a laugh.

"Can we feel?" Amelia asked and I nod. She puts her hand on my belly and smiles.

"I hear our children are going to be living close and working with you?" Finnegan asked.

"Yes I own this whole block. Everyone's close by. We're a family and when anyone needs help we're here." I say smiling.

"I'm glad you think like that cause we look at you as family as well." Finnegan says and everyone nods in agreement.

"Logan will be here soon." I say and sigh.

"Why?" Marcus asked concerned.

"I need to know. Chris tortured them by trying to kill me in front of them. Logan knows something we need to find out what it is." I say with tears.

"We understand. If he tries to lay a finger on you I'll kick his ass." Tristan says seething in anger.

"I know cookie." I say flirtatiously at Tristan and wink at him. Everyone laughed.

"I love your close relationship." Sarah says laughing.

"Do you have a nickname for all of them?" Amelia asked amused.

"Yup as my mom Lorelei would say their my boy toys." I say and everyone laughs.

"That she would. I remember her calling Logan Colin and I your boy toys and limo boys." Finn says laughing.

"Yeah she did. The guys are brothers to me. I'll do whatever to keep them safe. I'm just lucky their wives and or girlfriends have no issues with it." I say with a laugh.

"Seriously Ror I bet you we would all agree that if it wasn't for you none of us would be together." Juliet said.

"I know Tristan and I wouldn't. He told me he came to you and you knocked some sense in him." Sarah says laughing.

"Yeah I did. I'll do it again for any one else who needs it." I say laughing.

"I'm telling you if she has a girl the guys will be more afraid of mommy than her brother or her father." Tristan says laughing and we all join in.

Soon our food arrived and we all sat down and ate. I moaned in appreciation. "Oh my god." I moan in pleasure.

"What is it?" Andrew asked concerned.

"The baby's in heaven right now. He's enjoying what mommy's feeding him. Look." I say and life my shirt up and you can see my stomach move from the baby.

"Sarah one of these days can you make me some of those special chocolate chip cookies you make. I'm craving them." I say with a pout and a little laugh.

"I'll do it no matter what, but can you please make me some of your creme brûlée? I try and make it but it doesn't come out as good." She asked with the same pout I gave her.

"How about this I'll cook tonight for dinner. Check see if we have ingredients for the cookies and creme brûlée. If not we'll add it to the list and send the guys out so we can cook." I say with a smile. I look at Colin.

"Baby you need to get the blow torch and trays out." I say with a pout as him and Sarah went to the kitchen.

"Blow torch love? Kinky." He says wiggling his eyes brows and we all laugh.

"No Finny not like that. I use my torch to make that crunch on top of the desert." I say with a smirk.

Soon our laughter is interrupted by a knock on the door.

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