What happened?

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Colin's POV

I was sitting there as they told me what happened and now I was watching the video that Tristan had recorded.

I was beyond angry. I couldn't believe him. Then they tell me how he found out about me disappearing from someone in Hartford society.

"I can't believe this." I say out loud anger lacing my voice.

"Who do you think it is?" Steph asked curiously.

"We don't know yet. We're hoping his DNA will give us the answers." Austin says hopefully.

The doctor makes his way over to us and he whispers something in Tristan's ear. "Shit." He exclaims.

"What?" Mark asked concerned.

"Austin Mark they need us as were the same blood type as Mare they need more blood." Tristan says seriously. They nod and move towards Rory.

"Why do they need more blood?" I asked with fear.

"Probably just in case." Nate says not wanting him to know the real reason.

A few of us passed out for a while and when I woke up we were landing. We leave the plane and head straight to the hospital.

They let me ride in the ambulance with her. I grabbed her hand. "Baby please be ok. I love you." I say through tears we make it to the hospital quickly.

I kissed her forehead and they head straight to the OR. I was told to wait in the waiting room.

The guys came in a few minutes later and were just as scared for her as I was. "How is she?" Tristan asked his voice cracking.

"It doesn't look good. She was covered in blood and she was so pale She coded twice in the ambulance." I said through my tears.

"What?" I hear them shriek. I look up and see everyone there.

Michelle comes to me and rubs my back. "She's strong she will make it through this." She says tearfully. All I could do was nod.

Tristan's POV

Obama looks at me and waves me and the others to a corner. "What happened?" The president asked.

"Chris was using armor piercing bullets." Tristan said.

"I saw him go towards Colin and Steph she put herself in the way. He shot her twice." Austin says his eyes glossy and voice cracking.

"While they retrieved the hostages Rory told me to get intel and I got some." Shane says.

"Alright let's go back to the others." He said. I grabbed Austin and looked at him.

"You need to have Steph read that letter." I say to him.

"She hasn't read it yet?" He asked shocked.

"She's to scared to. You need to talk to her." I tell Austin adamantly and he nods. We head back towards the others.

Steph's POV

I still haven't read the letter that Rory gave me. I feel so guilty that she got hurt because of us. I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't make it.

Soon I see the guys coming back to us and Austin grabs my hand as he sits next to me. "Steph you need to read the letter." He says softly.

"Why?" I said with tears.

"Rory wants you to. Do it for her. She asked us to give it to you if she gets hurt. She loves you Steph this isn't your fault." He says to me.

All I could do was nod.

On the envelope it said 'To my gorilla girl' I couldn't help but laugh a little. I opened the letter slowly and began to read.

Dear Steph,

If you are reading this letter it means that I have gotten hurt. I need you to know that you shouldn't blame yourself. What happened wasn't your fault. Chris would have found anyway to get to me. I was his real target. It could have been anyone I care about. You don't need to feel guilty. I love you girlie and soon we'll be side by side shopping together and having fun. Lean on Austin if you need to. He's been here with me before. I love you and I'll see you soon.

Love Rory

I pulled Austin into a hug and just cried into his chest and he rubbed my back.

Colin's POV

"How are you doing son?" My Dad asked his voice cracking.

"Dad it's killing me. She was shot and stabbed multiple times. I saw it all. She did it to save us. I don't know what I would do if she doesn't survive." I say with tears.

He pulls me into a hug and holds me tightly. "She's strong. Her love will bring her back to you." He says choked up with tears.

"I know Dad. She means the world to me like mom meant to you. I need her in my life. I can't lose her." I say sadly with tears.

I see the guys walk over to us. "You won't lose her. She loves you more than you know." Tristan says smirking.

"Yeah man. She's a tough cookie nothing can keep her down for long." Mark said and I nodded.

"God this is torture. I need to know how she is." I exclaim out loud.

Before anyone could answer a doctor came walking our way.

"Family of Rory McCea?" The doctor asked.

What will the doctor say? How will the others handle what they've been told?

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