Found the leak

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Rory's POV

The weeks have flown by and everyone went back to their homes and their own lives.

After hours of working on the information we gathered it proved no one was in danger it was just a smokescreen. Why would they do that? I was determined to get through it all. I was working in my office at the White House when Tris walked in.

"Hey Mare your dad wants to see us." He tells me. I nod and make my way to him and he throws his arm over my shoulder. We make our way to the Oval Office and are escorted in immediately.

"Hey dad." I say happily giving him a hug and kiss.

"Hey princess, Tristan." He says to us smiling.

"I wanted to see if you found anything else out yet?" Dad asked me.

"Not yet but I'm working on it." I say. We talk for a while and he told me that we have a event next week and to invite Colin as my escort. I say that I will and make my way back to my office to work more on the intel and to call Colin. I grab my phone and he picks up on the second ring.

"Hey baby. How are you?" He asks me.

"I'm good baby, dad said we have a event next week and wants you to escort me." I say to him.

As I'm talking to Colin I'm working on my laptop over the information. I stubble upon the leak. I'm angry and in complete shock.

"I'd love to Ror. What time will you be home?" He asked me curiously. He's met with silence.

"Baby are you there?" He asked. Still silence.

"Are you ok? Please answer me." He says starting to panic. I pull out of my trance.

"Son of a bitch." I mutter.

"Baby what's going on?" He asked concerned.

"I have to go I'll tell you later. Come here for lunch." I say and end the call.

I make my way out of the office. Tris and Austin hot on my trail. They are firing questions left and right. I completely ignore them. I am on a mission and no one will get in my way. I walk through the White House and reach my destination. I walk in.

"Hi baby girl." My mother greets me but I ignore her.

"Mom move away from him now. Get by Tris and Austin." I spat out angrily.

I walk towards my destination and I landed a punch right on his jaw.

"You bastard." I yell seething in fury.

We're both going at it and punches are flying everywhere. I can see Tris and Austin coming towards me.

"Stay back, don't interfere I got this." I snap at them and they back away. I land one final punch.

"You'll regret this." I sneer at him and knock his ass out.

By this time my dad was here. They had escorted my mom out. I'm a little banged up but it was so worth it.

"Princess what's going on?" He says worry lacing his voice.

"Mare?" Tris says cautiously.

I am still seething in anger. As I'm seething he comes to. I bend down and grab him by the shirt.

"Your going regret what you've done." I say in anger. I look over at Tris and Austin.

"I want this son of a bitch in cuffs and in the integration room now. When he's there I'll explain." I say ordering them.

"While we do that you need to get looked at." Austin says and I nod.

"Colin will be here for lunch and then I'll explain." I say. I make my way out and Dad pulls me to him.

"I'll come with you." He says lovingly. I nod and we make our way to the doctor. We enter his office.

"What happened to you Ror?" Andy asked concerned.

"Fight with another agent." I say with anger still coursing through my veins.

"Why?" He asked worried.

"Evil evil man." I say still seething in anger. He nods and looks me over.

"Rory you need stitches under your right eye." Andy says. I nod and he gets to work on my injuries. As he finishes up he pulls me in to a hug.

"Thanks Andy." I say sweetly.

"Anytime." Andy says laughing. We make our way to where we're going to have lunch.

All I can think about is what I've found out. At least I knocked his ass out. Soon everyone will know what I've found. They will be in for a shock.

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