We have a leak

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Six  months later

I am fully healed and better than ever. Colin and I have gotten a lot closer. I also reconnected with Finn, Logan, Steph, Rosemary, and Juliet.

We're meeting Captain Evans today to tell us where we need to do our small mission. I know Colin understands but he is having a little bit of a hard time with it.

"Hey babe." Colin says walking into the office giving me a kiss and wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey you ok?" I ask concerned turning to face him.

"Just worried about this mission." He says looking away. I grab his head so I can look in his eyes.

"I know baby, but I'll come back safe to you. We all will ok?" I say softly planting a tender kiss upon his lips.

"I know your bad ass, you'll come back to me." He says leaning in and he gives me a passionate kiss until we're both breathing heavily.

"I have to go baby, if anything goes wrong which it won't you'll be notified." I say hugging him tightly.

"I know baby. I love you." Colin says his voice laced with unshed tears and sadness. I kiss him goodbye grab my bag and head out.

Finn and Logan are coming to keep him company while we're away. I make it to the base and go to the meeting room.

"Hello boys" I say cheerfully.

"How's Colin doing Mare?" He asks worried for his new friend.

"He's worried something will happen." I say sadly.

"Let's get this moving." Captain Evans says. We get our intel and our mission details. We head back to grab our gear and head to the airstrip.

"This is going to be a easy mission Mare." Tris assures me.

"I know I'm going to go call Colin. Who knows when I can call again."I say and I go and make the call he picks up on the second ring.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey Col, I wanted to call and say I love you and I'll be home soon." I say softly to him.

"I know baby." He says.

"Baby, it's an easy mission don't worry. I have men that I trust with my life and we won't be betrayed this time." I said to reassure him.

"I know but that doesn't make us worry any less. It will happen no matter what." He tells me firmly.

"I know, tell the guys we'll see them soon ok. And I love you baby." I say.

"I will and I love you to baby, stay safe." He tells me softly. We hang up and I make my way to the guys.

"Ok guys, you should all rest." I tell them and they all nod. I make my way to the Captain and go over the strategy.

"This should go off without a hitch." He tells me.

"I know it'll give us more intel as to what Chris has been doing." I say pissed off.

I go and sit down and look over Chris's files and Austin comes to sit with me.

"You knew didn't you?" Austin asked me point blank.

"I had a feeling, he was always evasive about his family. There was also a few red flags. I went with my gut and went to the Captain. Why do you think he wasn't on the last mission?" I say to him.

"That's why?" Austin asks stunned.

"Yeah imagine what would've happened if he was there?" I say to him.

"I can see what you mean, there would have been more casualties." Austin says coming to the realization.

Colin's POV

"Was that Luv?" Finn asked curious.

"Yeah she said hi and she said we'll see them soon." I say tiredly.

"Mate nothings going to happen." Finn says to me.

"Yeah have you ever seen her training?" Logan asked me.

"No I haven't." I say looking at them.

"Luv took down Nate and Mark." Finn said in amusement laughing.

"No way?" I say shocked.

"It's true, she took them out and disappeared. She's very talented." Logan said to me reassuringly.

We play poker to distract ourselves while we worry for our friends and loved ones.

Rory's POV

Within hours were at our destination. Iraq. We make it to the base an I go over the mission with the guys.

"Everyone knows what to do?" I ask them and they all nod.

"Let's go suit up." I tell them. I make my way to my room and get dressed. Within a few minutes I meet the guys in the armory.

"Grab extra ammo, we might need it." I tell them. We grab all our gear and head out.

"Ok boys, you ready for this?" I ask.

"Let's get the show on the road." Mark says.

"Austin and Mark, your with me. Nate, Ben with Tristan. I'll take the rear Tris you take the front." I order them.

"Yes ma'am." Tris snickers.

"I swear to god I'll hit you if you call me ma'am again." I say firmly with a don't mess with me tone.

"In position." Tris says seriously.

"On the count of three boys" I say. I count to three and we burst through the doors. We take them down and head to the office where the intel might be.

"Alright boys, Austin watch the door. Let me work my magic." I say as I start to work on the computer. Bypassing security walls and everything. I find way more than I'm looking for and copy it to a flash drive.

"Dad's not going to be happy about this. Everyone regroup now." I order them.

"We got a problem." I say to them. "

"What's up?" Tris asked concerned.

"First we clear this room, we need to see if they have anything else." I order them.

Austin and Ben watch the door. Tris and Nate watch the hostiles. As Mark and I search the room. We looked everywhere then found what I was looking for.

"Move out ASAP, we got what we came for." I inform them. We make our way back to the plane and I head straight to the Captain.

"We've got a problem." I inform him.

"What's going on? What did you find?" The Captain asked concerned.

"Sir they know I'm the presidents daughter, I think we have a leak." I inform him.

"How? Not many know about you." He says perplexed. Tris comes up to us worry etched on his face.

"Mare what's going on?" Tris asked very concerned.

"They know I'm the presidents daughter, we have a leak." I say.

"This is not good, what did you see?" Tris asked. At this time everyone came over.

"I saw pictures of me while I was sleeping, while out, everything Tris. This goes back for years." I say in panic.

"Your in danger." Austin says.

"This goes way beyond revenge I think." Ben said.

"We need to inform the president." Mark said.

"I'll call. I have a number no one has except Tris and I. Plus no one knows it exist. Plus we need to get our family protected also.." I say.

"Why?" Nate asked confused.

"There's pictures of them also, I'm going to call my guy that I trust to get it done." I say and walk away.

What will Dad say to what I'm going to say. I'm going to do everything I can to protect them.

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