Make the call

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"Are you related to Finn Morgan?" I ask.

"Yes, he's my brother. How do you know him?"

"I went to Yale and I dated his best friend and we were friends." I say and he nods in understanding.

"Mare, we'll be there soon I promise" Tristan says to me.

"Tris, I'm cold" I say as I shiver.

"Medic, your needed here NOW!" Tristan yells.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asks.

"She said she's cold and she's getting really pale." He says as I start to shiver uncontrollably.

Tristan's POV.                                          

"Nurse come here and help me now" the doctor says. She made her way over and started to help the doctor.

"Go see how long until we are landing? She needs surgery ASAP." He says. The nurse takes off and I look straight at the doctor.

"What's wrong?" I asked scared out of my mind for Mare, the woman I look at as my sister.

"She has internal bleeding and if we don't get this fixed soon she will lose her life." He tells me sadly.

"Oh god" All the guys say as we all stand around her and the doctor, she's a sister to us all.

Now I have to make a call that will hurt not only me but him. I walk away towards the Captain to make the call.

"Sir we have to contact him. She's family to him, yes I know I have POA but so does he. I'm making the call or he will be very upset." I say to him.

"Do it. She's family to all of us. " The captain says and I pull out the phone and make the call the one I'm dreading. He picks up after two rings.

"Sir, it's Rory. She's been hurt." I say sadly.

"How bad is it?" He asks.

"If she doesn't get surgery soon she will lose her life." I say with tears falling down my cheek.

"Stay with her don't leave her side. We'll be there ASAP. Where are you heading to?" He asks frantically.

"Turkey, I think they are getting us to the base in Kayseri" I reply to him.

"We will be there inside of twelve hours" He says

"Sir, go to the base in Germany, once she is stable I am having her taken to a safer location" I say to him.

"Will do Tristan, take care of my girl and see you in Germany" he says as he hangs up.

"10 minutes Sir" the nurse says. He nodded his head and kept looking at Mare. I make my way to Nate Morgan.

"Your family has been contacted they will be making their way to the safe base in Germany where we will go once Mare is stable enough to be moved. You'll also need to be checked out." I tell him.

"How is she?" He asked concerned for the woman who saved his life.

"It's not good man. If she doesn't get surgery soon she'll die. She's lost too much blood" I say sadly.

"I've heard about her through my brother. She'll make it mate. A woman like that, she's strong and the world is better with her in it." He says to me. Shortly after we arrive at the tarmac.

"I'm going with her and I'm not leaving her side." I say adamantly.

"You can't" the doctor said.

"I have my orders. I'll escort you to surgery then you do your job" I say with authority. He just nods his head and  we're all escorted to the hospital. Once we reach the hospital we are rushing to the OR which is all set up.

I move off to the side and let them do their job just as they are about to open her up she crashes. All I can hear is "CODE BLUE, she's crashing. Come on everyone we have to get her through this we can't let her family lose her like this" I hear the doctor say and I'm holding my breath.

Before I know it the heart monitor is beeping back to life as it should.

"Alright lets get in there and fix her so she can get to Germany for further care" the head doctor says and they get to work. Within a few hours they have fixed her internal bleeding and removed the bullet that caused the damage.

"Is she safe to travel? I need to get her to Germany her family will be there in around 6 to 8 hours" I say to him

"Yes but I want you to have another doctor on board to keep an eye on her she will be sleeping most of the time as the anaesthesia wears off" He says to me and I nod in response.

Within 2 hours we are back on the plane and on our way to the base just outside of Stuttgart.

4 hours later we are walking through the base hospital towards the room she will have and I hear a voice.

"Is that Rory?" but all I can focus on is making sure she is alright.

Forgive us for any wrong information, we are just trying to create a good story but keep it as real as possible. We do understand that some of this wouldn't really happen but for the sake of the story it is. Please read and review we love to hear from you all.

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